Birthday cake

2023-10-29 22:16:39CAKE





Five eggs
Canned pineapple slices
One orange.
A moderate amount of fruit juice
120 grams of low-fat powder
100 g of white sugar
80 grams of sesame oil
80 grams of milk
1/4 teaspoon of powder
1 gram of salt
Drops of white vinegar
About 500 grams of fresh cream.
5 tablespoons of sugar
About 80 grams of almonds

How TO MADE Birthday cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Separate the egg yolk and protein and fill them separately in clean, oil-free, water-free containers.

2. The egg yolk is then dispersed, mixed with milk thistle 30 grams of sugar, and then mixed evenly with sesame oil.

3. The flour bubbles are powdered (negligible) and mixed with salt, sifted into the egg yolk paste.

4. Stir until there are no grains left.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The protein is added to 70 grams of sugar and a few drops of white vinegar, and is beaten with an electric egg beater to 8 servings.

6. Take 1/3 of the protein cream and pour it into the egg yolk.

7. Mixed.

8. Then add the mixed egg yolk to the remaining 2/3 of the protein cream.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Gently and quickly stir evenly with a scraper.

10. Pour the mixed cake paste into the mold.

11. Pick up the mold and drop it on the table for a few moments, blowing out the air bubbles, and you can start baking.

12. Baking: (time temperature is for reference only, please adjust according to the characteristics of your oven) Preheat the oven 180 degrees, 40 minutes

Steps 13 to 16

13. Immediately after baking, it is removed from the oven, turned upside down and cooled, then removed from the mold.

14. The fresh cream is poured into a refrigerated container, sugar is added, and the ice-cold water is stirred with an electric egg-breaker to 7 servings.

15. Take a moderate amount of cream and mix it with pineapple seeds to make a fruit cream filling.

16. Divide the previously baked cake into 3 slices, apply the fruit cream filling, then overlap the cake slices.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Apply cream to the whole cake.

18. Decorated with berries.

19. Squeeze the cream flowers.

20. Decorated with fruit.


Handy cooking tips

  Eight-inch cakes, clamps and decorations can be selected according to the taste of the population.