Yoghurt cake

2023-10-29 22:17:00CAKE





Two eggs.
21 ml of corn oil
Low flour 26 grams
100 ml of yogurt
10 grams of cornmeal
Fine sugar 34 grams
Lemon juice or white vinegar 1 ml

How TO MADE Yoghurt cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Find some big bowls and wrap them in tin.

2. Corn flour and yogurt

3. Find two waterless and oilless bowls to separate the eggs.

4. Prepare a large pan for a water bath.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The egg yolk is poured into the yogurt and corn oil, and patiently kneaded.

6. Add low flour and cornstarch, stir with a scraper and patiently beat into a thicker paste

7. Protein dispersed into fish-eye bubbles

8. Add 1/3 sugar powder and lemon juice, and be patient until the protein doubles without dripping.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add 1/3 of the sugar powder, and patiently beat the protein to the tip of the line.

10. Add the last 1/3 of the sugar powder, and patiently bend it slightly to the protein tip.

11. Add 1/3 of the protein cream to the egg yolk and stir evenly.

12. Pour the finished dough into the remaining protein cream and stir evenly.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The dough is poured into a mold wrapped in tin paper and bubbles emerge.

14. Pour hot water into a large oven and put a tin bowl in it.

15. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees, place in the lower layer of the oven, 170 degrees up and down for 40 minutes

16. Add some water to the large oven, and in the oven, cover the top with tin paper to prevent the cake from being baked on the surface, and heat it at 170 degrees for 20 minutes.

17. Remove the mould.