Boston cream and blueberry cake

2023-10-29 22:18:39CAKE


  This cake is one of the most traditional American cakes, and I added the blueberry sauce myself, and I chose the large blueberry sauce with the grains, and it tastes better than plain cream, and it doesn't taste too bad.The cake tastes soft and delicate, there is a sense of entrance, according to the square portion of the book, there are only four finished products, after eating, it feels less, it is really good, the next portion should be doubled.Take care of your family, do something with healthy oils.Natural grape seed oil is a selection of fresh, high-quality grape seeds, processed using a scientific pressing process and advanced nitrogen preservation technology.The product is rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid, has low oil smoke characteristics, suitable for cooking at medium to high temperatures.It also does not contain any added antioxidants, trans fats and pesticide residues that are harmful to the human body.Suitable for: Especially suitable for female friends and middle-aged and frail people.Product characteristics: One of the least oiled cooking oils.Rich in oxytocin (OPC), improves blood circulation, enhances the body's immune function, restores collagen activity, slows down aging, and softens the skin.



Egg yolks 2/ medium sized eggs
60 grams of fine sugar
A little bit of spice.
40 ml of milk
Snow White grape seed oil 30 ml/thal oil is also available
70 grams of low-fat flour
Powdered foam 2.5 g (negligible)
Protein 3 (medium-sized eggs)
A little salt.
This is a moderate amount of blueberry jam.
Fresh cream in moderation
Moderate amount of fruit
Mint leaves in moderation
Dried fruit

How TO MADE Boston cream and blueberry cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Pour 25 grams of egg yolk, sugar, salt, and vanilla into a container and stir evenly.

2. Add grape seed oil and milk.

3. Stir evenly so that the fat, milk, and egg whites are fully mixed.

4. Screening low-strength powder and foaming powder.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Stir evenly, into egg yolk paste for backup.

6. Add the remaining sugar to the egg whites.

7. Use an egg mixer to dry the foam.

8. Mix 1/2 of the finished protein cream with the egg yolk.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Pour the mixed egg yolk into the remaining 1/2 protein cream.

10. Stir gently and evenly with a rubber scraper.

11. Pour the mixed dough into a medium-sized flower paper cup, serve in a preheated oven, medium layer, 185 degrees 20 minutes (time temperature is for reference only, please adjust to your own oven temperament), bake immediately after baking, be sure to turn on the grill to cool, to prevent the cake from shrinking.

12. Cut the cool cake into two slices.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Put the cream on first.

14. It's also a great blueberry sauce.

15. Cover another piece of cake and apply a thin layer of fresh cream on the surface.

16. Finally, decorate with cream, fruit, and dried fruit.
