Chocolate cake rolls

2023-10-29 22:27:59CAKE


  This chocolate cake roll is wrapped in a sponge cake with your favorite chocolate cake, a soft cake with a sweet chocolate cake mixed together, giving your taste buds a different kind of enjoyment.



200 grams of whole eggs
95 grams of sugar
Chocolate sauce in moderation
80 grams of low-fat flour
36 grams of milk

How TO MADE Chocolate cake rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put the whole egg juice in an oil-free, water-free egg-making bowl and add sugar;

2. Heat the egg yolk bowl separately (the water is hot), stir the egg yolk sugar evenly with a manual egg mixer, and leave the egg yolk bowl out of the hot water after the sugar has basically dissolved;

3. Start stirring the egg juice with an electric egg-breaker until the egg-breaker is lifted, the egg paste slowly flows down, and is able to leave a clear trace, and the stirring is complete;

4. A low-powder sieve into the egg paste;

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough and flour are mixed evenly with a shovel, and then the milk is added, and the dough is mixed evenly into a cake dough;

6. The mixed cake paste is poured into a baking tray lined with oil paper, and the baking tray is shaken a few times to crush the bubbles in the cake paste;

7. Leave some cake paste and add a spoonful of cocoa powder.

8. After mixing the cake, put it in a disposable bag.

Steps 9 to 12

9. In the sixth step of the cake paste, squeeze the cocoa cake paste, squeeze it into strips, then use the toothpick to slide the outlet backwards and forwards into the oven that has been preheated 190 degrees for 17 minutes;

10. When the baked cake is removed from the baking tray, it is placed on a drying rack, and the oil paper is slowly removed while it is hot; the oil paper is laid on the bottom of the cake, and the chocolate sauce is applied to the cake;

11. Lift one side of the padded oil paper, slowly roll the cake up to the other side of the cake, then roll it up and put it in the refrigerator refrigerator for 1 hour.

12. When the cake rolls are refrigerated, you can slice them.


Handy cooking tips

  When rolling cakes, the padding paper mainly serves as a rolling curtain.