Strawberry mousse cake

2023-10-29 22:28:59CAKE





200 grams of strawberries
6 inches of wind 1
150 ml of cream
100 ml of milk
10 grams of gelatin
40 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Strawberry mousse cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Six-inch wind cake, divided across into three spare pieces.

2. Preparing milk and gelatin

3. The gelatin is cut and soaked in milk.

4. The refined sugar is heated to melt the sugar, the gelatin is incorporated into the milk, and the small bowl is taken out for cooling.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Wash the strawberries, remove the leaves, and cut them in half.

6. Take a piece of cake and cut the edges slightly.

7. Cut strawberries are neatly arranged in a 6-inch heart-shaped mold.

8. The cream is poured into a clean egg pan.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add the right amount of fine sugar, ice water, and use an electric egg beater.

10. Until the cream has a pattern, it can still flow.

11. Slowly pour the cooled milk into the cream bowl, stirring evenly from side to side

12. The mousse is ready.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Pour the mousse into the mold and cover the cake slices.

14. Add a second slice of cake to the mousse and cover the cake.

15. Finally, add the third slice of cake and pour it into the mousse until the mold is full.

16. Put the prepared mousse in the refrigerator for about six hours, preferably overnight.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Take out the frozen mousse.

18. The mold is placed on a glass higher than the mold, and the edge of the mold falls off naturally after being blown around with an electric blower.

19. In his left hand, he holds a mousse cake, and in his right hand, he uses a clean kitchen knife to move the bottom of the mold to the left.

20. Carefully remove the knife after removing the mould chassis

Steps 21 to 24

21. Choose strawberries that are about the same size, wash them and dry them with kitchen paper.

22. Placed on a mousse cake as a decoration

23. A little more sugar powder.

24. Finished product