Banana and chocolate cake

2023-10-29 22:42:42CAKE


  I'm sure you can't resist dessert as much as I can, and dessert is the best thing to eat when you're in a bad mood!Chocolate banana cake! Warm and warm dessert in winter. Chocolate banana cake.Bananas are a nutritious and sweet fruit, paired with a cake made of chocolate powder made from ground cocoa beans, the two combined have memory-enhancing properties.Is this dessert very much in line with the impulsive sign of Aries? Stubborn but stubborn, impulsive but enthusiastic, unusually attached to what you like, will set a good goal first and then act.I'm the white deer...



Bananas in moderation
95 grams of butter
Two eggs.
26 grams of cocoa powder
Lemon juice in moderation
A little salt.
30 grams of white sugar
15 ml of water
50 grams of yellow sugar
3-4 drops of essential oil
140 grams of low-fat flour
2 grams of flour

How TO MADE Banana and chocolate cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Boil water and sugar together to make a caramel color.

2. Put 10 grams of butter in 1 and stir.

3. Stir and melt.

4. Put the sliced bananas in 3.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Turn off the fire after stirring evenly.

6. The carrot banana is ready.

7. The butter is softened and the sugar is added to the mixture.

8. Stir evenly.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The scattered eggs are mixed evenly several times in 7 and then the vanilla oil is added to the mixture.

10. Take low-fat flour, cocoa powder, bubble powder, a little bit of salt, sift to 8 and stir evenly.

11. Pour the caramel banana into 9 and stir quickly.

12. Quickly mixed.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Pour it into the mold and scrape it flat.

14. Finally, place the banana slices with lemon juice on the cake surface.

15. Oven up and down 170 degrees, roast for about 35-40 minutes.


Handy cooking tips

  Temperature and time must be controlled.