Durian yogurt cake

2023-10-29 22:42:51CAKE


  The original recipe was for cream cheese, but there wasn't enough cheese in the house, so the first night I made a big bowl of yogurt, I replaced the cream cheese with yogurt, while reducing the amount of durian meat, there was no big difference in taste, it felt healthier.



180 grams of durian meat
250 grams of yogurt
50 grams of low-fat flour
Four eggs.
40 grams of refined sugar (for yogurt)
60 grams of refined sugar (for protein)

How TO MADE Durian yogurt cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Add the egg yolk to the mixture evenly, pay attention to the egg yolk to be added one by one, the first mixture evenly and then add the second

2. Screening for low fiber powder

3. Stir evenly, taking care not to circle, otherwise the flour will harden easily

4. Place the grill at the bottom of the oven, add hot water, place the grill net in the middle and bottom, preheat 160 degrees, 10 minutes

Steps 5 to 8

5. The protein is placed in a water-free, oil-free container, dripped with a few drops of lemon juice or white vinegar, the electric egg-breaker is opened one by one, and a third of the fine sugar is added to the thick bubbles.

6. Add one-third fine sugar when finely chopped

7. Add the remaining fine sugar after 3 rounds until a fine line is formed.

8. Shift to 5-speed high-speed transmission to moist foaming, i.e. lifting the egg head, and the protein appears in a small curved state

Steps 9 to 12

9. Divide one-third of the protein into egg yolk paste and stir evenly from bottom to top, also without circling to prevent the protein from evaporating

10. Pour the egg yolk into the protein bowl and stir evenly.

11. The bottom of the eight-inch cake mold is covered with oil paper, and the outside of the mold is covered with a layer of tin paper, poured into the cake paste, and shaken vigorously on the table for a few seconds, creating air bubbles.

12. Put in the oven, heat up, 160 degrees, 70 minutes (time and temperature depending on the mood of your oven)

Steps 13 to 16

13. After the cooking time is over, it is baked in the oven for 15 minutes, removed after cooling, placed in the refrigerator and refrigerated for more than 4 hours to remove the mold and eat, the taste is better.

14. The cut is close to a cheesecake and has a strong durian flavor.

15. Put in the oven, heat up, 160 degrees, 70 minutes (time and temperature depending on the mood of your oven)

16. After the cooking time is over, it is baked in the oven for 15 minutes, removed after cooling, placed in the refrigerator and refrigerated for more than 4 hours to remove the mold and eat, the taste is better.

Steps 17 to 20

17. The cut is close to a cheesecake and has a strong durian flavor.

Handy cooking tips

  1. the amount of fine sugar should be increased or decreased according to the sweetness of durian and yogurt, my homemade yogurt is not sweetened, durian is sweeter, this amount of sugar is just right for me who loves to eat sweets; 2. the hot water in the grill should always pay attention, my baby just woke up, forget to observe, the water has dried afterwards and has not been added, so the color is not very uniform; 3. I use the indirect water bath method, the outside of the mold can not be wrapped in paper