Potato cake rolls

2023-10-29 22:44:23CAKE


  This is the third time I've made a cake roll since I started baking.The first one didn't look good, but it was a success.Secondly, it was more anxious, people were uncomfortable, they didn't understand what were the most important steps, so they used the usual method of baking the cake, and they failed three times in a row.After that, I slowly looked for the reason, and each time it was because the cake was too soft that it broke.It turns out that the egg yolk is not released (no elasticity), and the protein is released excessively (easily cracked).With this, I don't want to have to worry about wasting material in the future.Choose potatoes as a sauce because you like them.It's also very convenient, you don't have to go everywhere to buy jelly."The important thing is that it's not necessarily safe to buy it back from the supermarket, and it's not too sweet to eat!"To refuel, to love baking, to keep going...



Low flour 80 grams
Four eggs.
50 grams of milk
110 grams of sweet potatoes
25 grams of milk (for mashed potatoes)
50 grams of sesame oil (corn oil)
A moderate amount of milk (for mashed potatoes)
55 grams of refined sugar (in protein)
2 grams of flour
20 grams of refined sugar in egg yolk

How TO MADE Potato cake rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. Separate the egg yolk and protein with two clean, waterless bowls.

2. First send the egg yolk, add white sugar to the egg yolk, and stir it with the egg beater.

3. The egg yolk is sent to a thickened state, the color turns pale.

4. Then add sesame oil (corn oil or other odorless vegetable oil) three times.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Each time it is added, it is stirred with an egg beater and mixed, and then added a second, third time.

6. Then pour it into the milk and stir gently and evenly.

7. Finally, sieve into low powder and bubble powder, stirring up and down with a rubber scraper into a delicate egg yolk paste.

8. Stir the egg yolk paste and put it aside for storage.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Then the egg beater should be washed and dried.

10. The protein, white sugar, is poured into the protein three times, each time some is poured and stirred with an egg beater, from the beginning the fish bubbles, becoming thicker and thicker.

11. In about two minutes, the protein is released eight percent, and after lifting the egg beater, you can pull out the curved pointed edge.

12. Pour the finished protein into the egg yolk dough three times, stirring evenly up and down.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The third addition can be reversed by pouring the dough into the last remaining protein bowl and stirring it up and down evenly.

14. (You can mix evenly without this method)

15. Finally, the mixed flour is poured into a tin-paper (oil paper) oven.

16. (At this point you can preheat the oven, the temperature in my house is too high, preheat at 160 degrees for five minutes)

Steps 17 to 20

17. It's nice to shake off some bubbles.

18. Put in the oven, 160 degrees, bake for 20 minutes

19. When baking cakes, make mashed potatoes.

20. First, cook the potatoes in slices, put them in the cooking machine, add milk and condensed milk (a little more milk, almost enough)

21. Mixed mashed potatoes

22. Prepare a sheet of oil paper, or tin paper, lay it out, put the baked cake upside down on the oil paper, tear the tin paper off the cake while it's hot, and turn the cake upside down.

23. Let it cool for a while and apply the mashed potatoes evenly (forgot to take a picture).

24. Roll it up from the bottom and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour before cutting it into pieces.

25. There you go!

26. Does it feel good?