Light cheese cake

2023-10-29 22:44:27CAKE


  I like the taste of light cheese, but I always think that pure light cheese is a bit tasty, so later I found the recipe changed, into light cheese with yogurt, sour taste and some sweetness, it's more refreshing to eat. The little guy also likes the 6 inch cake, he can eat half of it himself!



120 grams of cheese
18 grams of low-fat flour
72 grams of fine sugar
45 grams of cream
Three eggs.
12 grams of cornstarch
60 grams of yogurt

How TO MADE Light cheese cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Cheese is softened at room temperature

2. Then stir evenly with an electric egg beater.

3. Adding yogurt

4. Stir evenly

Steps 5 to 8

5. Added cream

6. Stir evenly

7. Add the egg yolk

8. Stir evenly

Steps 9 to 12

9. A mixture of low-fat flour and cornstarch

10. After soaking, cover with a layer of preservative film and place in the refrigerator for storage.

11. Protein sub-sugaring to 6 to 7 distributions

12. Add 1/3 to the cheese paste.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Stir evenly

14. And then back into the protein tank.

15. Keep stirring

16. Pour the mixed cake paste into the mold for 8 minutes.

Steps 17 to 20

17. At the bottom of the preheated oven, insert a pan filled with cold water, and place the cake on the second-lowest grill, using a waterproof method of baking.

18. Baked at 150 degrees for about 70 minutes, dried in the oven, de-moulded, refrigerated for more than 4 hours and ready to eat

Handy cooking tips

  1. If the cheese is not easy to absorb under the conditions of room temperature softening, it can be insulated by heating and absorbing; 2. It is necessary to refrigerate the egg yolk cheese paste, which can increase its viscosity and mix well with the protein; 3. Pay attention to the degree of protein release, just beat delicately smooth, the degree of appearance of the pattern will soon be enough, then beat it over, it is easy to crack when baking; 4.