Red sugar cake

2023-10-29 22:44:34CAKE


  On a cold winter's day, hand over a piece of red sugar cake to your loved one, and you'll feel the warmth of love while replenishing your energy.



Low powder 150 grams
Four eggs.
40 grams of milk
100 grams of red sugar
35 grams of sesame oil

How TO MADE Red sugar cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put the eggs in the bowl.

2. Red sugar is poured into the eggs, which are then dispersed by hand.

3. Red sugar egg juice can be cooked at high speed with an electric egg breaker until the volume is 4 to 5 times larger.

4. It is then sifted into a low powder and stirred until mixed evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Warm milk and sesame oil are thoroughly mixed for part B.

6. Pour 1/3 of A into B and stir evenly into part C.

7. The C is poured back into the remaining A, stirred thoroughly to uniformity, and this is the final cake paste.

8. Prepare the cake mold, pour the cake paste into it, and shake it twice on the board.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put in the middle lower layer of the oven, 165 degrees for 10 minutes, reduce to 150 degrees and bake for 40 minutes.

10. (This specific time and temperature is not fixed, but you have to base it on your own oven.)

11. "Take it out and dry it for a while."

12. Cut it into pieces and put it on a plate and give it to him or her!