Honey cake

2023-10-29 22:45:00CAKE


  Last Friday, while the baby was taking a nap, I made some small cakes with a cup of scented milk tea, which was delicious.I left some for my mom to take to her colleagues, who said it was delicious..I don't usually make cakes and biscuits, but I'm afraid that every time I do, I'll have to clean up a big bowl and a bowl and a bowl.However, the recipe for this cake is simple and doesn't take much time, and it's based on the recipe of a Japanese gourmet, with a few minor changes.It's been a long time since I've seen it, but I've forgotten whose square it is.



Low powder 90 grams
Two eggs.
30 grams of honey
20 grams of fine sugar
20 ml of vegetable oil

How TO MADE Honey cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. General collection of raw materials.

2. Put the vegetable oil, fine sugar, and honey in a bowl and stir evenly.

3. Put the eggs in.

4. Pour about 40 degrees of warm water into the pot, put the bowl in the pot, and use an electric egg separator to dispel the water.

Steps 5 to 8

5. It is sent to a very dense state, lifting the egg batter, keeping the paste upside down so that the triangle does not drip.

6. Preheat the oven and filter the low-powder into the egg paste.

7. Stir up and down with a rubber scraper to a particle-free state.

8. Pour the dough into the mold.

Steps 9 to 12

9. 8 minutes to go.

10. Bake at 180 degrees until the cake expands, turn 150 degrees and continue to bake until the surface is golden yellow.


Handy cooking tips

  I put a little bit of sugar and oil, if you like it sweeter, you can put a little more.This cake is soft and sweet, has a very good taste, is very simple to make, and most importantly, does not require washing many tools.You can try it.