Light cheese cake

2023-10-29 22:45:14CAKE


  I'm happy to try the Haier smart oven, which looks all black, has silver edges, touch buttons, and looks fashionable.The new oven had just arrived, and it really needed a period of grinding, and it was used to bake the family's favorite light cheese cake, and it was also used to bake the family's favorite meat pie.



125 grams of cheese
50 grams of cream
70 grams of homemade yogurt
White vinegar 6 grams
Two eggs.
Low powder 33 grams
50 g of white sugar

How TO MADE Light cheese cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Let's take a look at the appearance of the oven, is it very fashionable?

2. After returning the new oven, wipe the inside and outside with a wet soft cloth, then set the oven to 200 degrees and heat it for 30 minutes, which helps to remove the odor from the oven.

3. Now let's make a cake, put the cheese, the yogurt, the white vinegar and the light cream in the blender.

4. Stir until smooth.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The mixed cheese paste is poured into a large bowl, put into the egg yolk, and stir evenly.

6. Sieve into low powder, stir, refrigerate and refrigerate for backup.

7. Proteins and sugars are stirred to a moist foaming state.

8. Mix evenly with the cheese paste two to three times.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Apply some oil around the mold and pour the cheesecake paste into it.

10. If it's a live cake mold, you need to put it on a tin paper bag, pour it into a baking tray, and put the cake mold in the oven.

11. After baking in a preheated oven, the baked cake is cooled, refrigerated in the refrigerator, and the cake tastes better after refrigeration.


Handy cooking tips

  Ingredients: cream cheese 125 grams soft cream 50 grams homemade yogurt 70 grams white vinegar 6 grams eggs 2 low-flour 33 grams white sugar 50 grams 1 ⁇ I used homemade yogurt today, this time the yogurt was not acidic enough, so I added a few grams of white vinegar, if you are using market yogurt, you can use 75 grams of yogurt directly, no need to add white vinegar ⁇ 2 because it's a new oven, so I don't have a good grasp of the temperature, I first baked it at 140 degrees for 30 minutes, I felt the temperature was a little lower, I set it to 150 degrees and continued baking for 40 minutes, finally I colored it at 180 degrees, and the next time I baked it, I estimated that it would take about 60 minutes to bake at 150 degrees.