Honey cake

2023-10-29 22:45:38CAKE





80 grams of low-fat flour
100 grams of eggs
40 g of honey
40 grams of fine sugar
30 ml of odorless vegetable oil

How TO MADE Honey cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Pour the sugar and honey into a large bowl and add the eggs.

2. Pour about 40 degrees of hot water into the pot, put the large bowl of eggs in the hot water, use an electric egg beater to spread the eggs until the eggs are sent to a very dense state, when lifting the egg beater, the dripping egg dough can draw patterns on the surface of the egg dough and the patterns do not disappear for a long time.

3. Keep 2-3 cm of egg yolk on the head of the egg so that it does not drip.

4. That's the extent of the launch.

Steps 5 to 8

5. A low-fat flour is sifted into a thick egg dough;

6. The flour and egg yolk are mixed thoroughly with a rubber scraper in the form of a bottom-up stirring.

7. Do not stir in circles, so as not to spoil the good eggs;

8. 30 ml of vegetable oil is poured into a well-mixed dough, which is also mixed evenly to form a cake dough;

9. Pour the cake paste into the mold two-thirds thick.

10. Put in a preheated 190°C oven and bake for about 15 minutes until the surface turns golden yellow.
