Cotton cake

2023-10-29 22:45:51CAKE


  Cotton cake is a cake that is somewhat different from the traditional cotton sponge cake, in order to live up to the name of cotton, it is very tasty, dense, soft and delicate.This is a cake that is more difficult to make, and although it looks the same as a normal cake, it really takes more attention and care to make a beautiful finished product than making a normal cake.



50 grams of low-fat flour
50 grams of refined milk
35 grams of butter
30 grams of whole eggs
Protein three.
Three eggs.
50 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Cotton cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put the slices of butter in the egg pan and cook over low heat until boiling.

2. After sifting, the low-fat flour is quickly poured into the egg-making bowl and removed from the fire, and quickly mixed with a scraper into a buttered dough.

3. Then pour it into the milk and stir evenly.

4. Mix two eggs and 30 grams of egg juice

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour into the dough and stir into the egg yolk paste.

6. "50 g of refined sugar added three times to the protein and sent to the moist foam with an electric egg beater"

7. "Take one-third of the protein cream and pour it into the egg yolk paste and stir evenly."

8. The mixture is poured back into the protein cream.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Mix it with a knife to make a cake paste

10. A layer of tin wrapping

11. Pour the mixed cake dough into the baking tray.

12. After a few shakes, put it in a preheated oven at 175 degrees, put the middle layer on fire, and bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The baked cake is wrapped in a drying net, the tin paper is torn off, the cake is cooled, a layer of jam is applied, and the knife is cut into small pieces to be shared with the family...

Handy cooking tips

  Note: 1, This is a very tasty cake, but it is also more difficult to make.In the process of preparation, it is necessary to pay close attention to the degree of protein release, the mixing method of mixed protein egg yolk, the temperature of baking, etc. A little carelessness can easily cause the cake to collapse, shrink back, the pudding layer, the taste is not soft, etc.It is recommended to try this cake again after making an ordinary sponge cake, otherwise it is easy to fail.The first step is to boil the butter on a low flame, boil the butter until it boils, then pour the flour into it, then turn off the fire and stir.Through this step, the flour is made into a hot dough, and the resulting egg yolk paste is easily mixed with the protein without losing the protein.When making hot dough and making egg yolk dough, you can mix the dough in a circle, without worrying about the dough's stiffness.3, you can put your favorite jam in the middle of the cake, and if there's nothing in it, it's just as good to eat.