What is the name of the city?

2023-10-29 22:47:12CAKE


  From time to time, there will be mascarpone cheese in her shop, which she usually doesn't pay much attention to, and then she thought that she should make tiramisu this time next year, so she booked two boxes with her."And then, as the end of the year got busier and busier, the goods were tight, so there were no more fresh goods coming in, so that the little girl had foresight, we prepared a few boxes in advance for our own use, although the date was not fresh enough, but the quality of the goods was no problem."Well, this time it was supposed to be a cup, but it's relatively easy to make."At the end, she said quietly to her husband: "I love U". Materials: 250 grams of Mascarpene cheese, 2 yellow eggs, 80 grams of sugar, 145 grams of buttermilk, 25 grams of milk, 1 bag of espresso Italian black coffee, 30 grams of rum, 30 grams of hot water, and a moderate amount of cocoa powder."



250 grams of Mascarpene cheese
Two eggs.
80 grams of fine sugar
145 grams of cream
25 grams of milk
One bag of espresso black coffee
30 grams of rum
30 grams of hot water
Cocoa powder in moderation
Sugar powder in moderation

How TO MADE What is the name of the city?

Steps 1 to 4

1. Italian black coffee dissolved in 30 grams of hot water

2. Add 15 grams of rum

3. Mixed into coffee wine and dried as a backup.

4. 60 grams of refined sugar and 15 grams of rum in a bowl

Steps 5 to 8

5. Mix the eggs evenly.

6. Pour into the milk and stir.

7. Place the bowl in hot water, heat it separately and stir continuously.

8. Dense to foamy

Steps 9 to 12

9. Place the stirred egg yolk in a bowl of cold water and continue stirring until it cools to a thick consistency.

10. Mascarpone cheese in a large bowl

11. Stir until smooth

12. Pour into the egg yolk and stir with the egg beater.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Stir evenly

14. Put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate it until the cheese is thick.

15. 20 grams of refined sugar in soft cream

16. Starting to appear

Steps 17 to 20

17. Pour into the cheese paste

18. Stir evenly, and the mascarpone is done.

19. Pour a thin layer of mascarpone into the cup.

20. Take a round finger cookie dipped in coffee wine.

Steps 21 to 24

21. And then lay it on top.

22. Pour into the mascarpone filling to 1/2 cup height

23. Put another cookie filled with coffee and wine.

24. Finally, fill the mascarpone, flatten the surface, put in the refrigerator and refrigerate for more than four hours, until completely solidified, sift the surface with cocoa powder and sugar powder and decorate it before eating.

Handy cooking tips

  1. the recipe is based on your recipe, adjusted according to your actual situation; use the pudding cup you bought to make almost four cups; 2. before starting to make the mascarpone cheese, remove it from the refrigerator and put it in a room temperature environment, so that it is easy to make the cheese smooth when you operate it later; 3. the usual soft cream is made with sugar powder, I forgot, I threw the sugar directly in...But it doesn't matter about the outcome...4. Finger biscuits are made directly round to match the shape of the cup, in two sizes, corresponding to the size of the bottom of the cup and the height of the 1/2 cup respectively;