Cream and almond cake

2023-10-29 22:47:38CAKE





85 grams of low-fat flour
40 grams of sesame oil
60 grams of fine sugar protein
40 grams of milk
Five eggs
Animal fat in moderation
Almonds in moderation
Chocolate in moderation
Dried cranberries
A moderate amount of silver beads

How TO MADE Cream and almond cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. The protein and egg yolk are separated and poured separately into clean containers, and the egg yolk is mixed evenly with 30 grams of fine sugar.

2. Add milk to the mixture and then add sesame oil to the mixture.

3. Screening low-fat flour

4. Stir thoroughly and evenly so that the flour and egg yolk are completely mixed into the egg yolk dough.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add 1/3 fine sugar to the protein, add another 2/3 fine sugar when it turns white, and add the next one after each blend.

6. Until the protein reaches a small, upright tip, the hard foam.

7. Take 1/3 of the protein paste into the egg yolk and gently stir it up and down with a rubber scraper.

8. Pour into a container containing 2/3 protein paste, stir gently and evenly in the same way, but do not stir too hard.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Mix thoroughly and evenly into a fine, sticky cake paste

10. Mixed cake paste poured into the mold

11. Preheat the middle layer in the oven at 150 degrees for about 45 minutes, remove the cake after baking and place it upside down on the grill to cool it off.

12. Animal cream is added to the right amount of sugar powder, filled with ice water in a large container, and the cream is distributed with ice water.

Steps 13 to 16

13. To the degree of a hard flower

14. Split the cake in two.

15. Apply a layer of cream and sprinkle a moderate amount of dried cranberries

16. Put another cake embryo on top, apply cream evenly to the surface, and flatten the surface with a scraper.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Take half of the almond slices and pour them into the grinder to make a powder, sprinkle it on the surface of the cream cake, stick the almond slices on both sides, and finally put the chocolate decoration on it.

Handy cooking tips

  A: When mixing the dough, it is necessary to pay attention to the method, gently stirring the dough with the cooking method, so as not to allow the protein foam to swell, the mixed dough presents a delicate and dense state, if the dough is very thin during the stirring, there are many small bubbles, indicating that the protein has been foamed, so the baked cake is not successful B: the stability of animal cream is poor, but it is healthier, it needs to be refrigerated before serving, the waterproofing is easier to use C: the middle layer can also be replaced with fruit, pudding, etc.