The Hokkaido Cake Cup

2023-10-29 22:48:25CAKE


  For cakes, I used to do a lot of knitting, not round shapes or cake rolls, because I didn't want to challenge others when even the basic knitting couldn't do well."This Hokkaido cake cup is one that I started making recently, because the egg content is high and the flour content is low, so the taste is particularly delicate, and the egg smell is strong."It's an ugly-looking cake that surprises you when you eat it, and you can't forget it once you eat it.On the day of the holiday, bake a plate and enjoy a sweet afternoon tea with the children, sunbathe on the balcony, laugh and relax... the simplest satisfaction and joy!



Four eggs.
35 grams of low-fat flour
30 grams of corn oil
30 grams of milk
70 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE The Hokkaido Cake Cup

Steps 1 to 4

1. Egg yolk protein is separated and 20 grams of fine sugar is added to the egg yolk.

2. (Protein should be packed in clean containers without oil or water)

3. Add milk and corn oil to stir evenly.

4. It's a low-powder once in a while.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Stir gently and evenly.

6. The protein is placed in a clean container without oil or water, and the electric egg beater is used to beat the fish's eyeballs at low speed.

7. Add 1/3 of refined sugar.

8. At medium speed, it is sent to the foam and begins to become thick silk.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add 1/3 of the sugar again.

10. When the pattern is clearer, add the last 1/3 of the sugar.

11. It continues to be fired until it reaches a state of moist bubble that can be pulled out of the corner.

12. Take one-third of the protein and add it to the egg yolk.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Stir gently and evenly.

14. (Cut in half and stir, don't draw circles, otherwise it's easy to melt)

15. Pour the stirred egg yolk into the remaining 2/3 of the protein.

16. Gently stirred into a delicate cake paste.

17. Place the cake paste evenly in a small paper cup.

18. (I filled 12 copies, the other three were different, so I didn't put them together.)

19. Put in a preheated oven, 200 degrees, medium, on low heat, for about 20 minutes, until the surface is golden yellow.


Handy cooking tips

  Verse 1: To make this Hokkaido-style cake, the protein only needs to reach a moist foaming state, which can make the cake taste more delicate and soft.2: Because this cake has a low amount of flour, it is not suitable for baking in a round shape, it can easily collapse.3: When putting the dough in the cake, each paper cup should not be more than six or seven times full, otherwise the dough will swell when baked.4: After baking, you can squeeze some vanilla cream filling into the inside of the paper cup cake, which can both make the cake less crumbly and also increase the taste and flavor.