Yoghurt and blueberry cheesecake

2023-10-29 22:49:20CAKE





3 eggs (sponge paper cup cake ingredients)
Low-fiber flour (sponge paper cupcake ingredient) 100 grams
Fine sugar (sponge paper cup cake ingredient) 50 grams
Salt (sponge paper cup cake ingredient) 1 g
Butter (sponge paper cup cake ingredient) 25 grams
Yoghurt (sponge paper cup cake ingredient) 35 grams
30 grams of butter (blueberry cheese cream)
40 grams of cream cheese (from blueberry cheese cream)
Chubby blueberry sauce (based on blueberry cheese cream 15 g)

How TO MADE Yoghurt and blueberry cheesecake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Let's prepare the ingredients for the sponge cake.

2. At this point, mix the melted butter and yogurt in advance (note that melting, not softening)

3. Eggs and white sugar and salt go into the bowl together (at this point the oven can be preheated to 180 degrees)

4. The basin sits in warm water, about 60 degrees (whole eggs are more difficult to release, so they must be released by water bathing)

Steps 5 to 8

5. The egg begins to thicken slowly.

6. It takes two or three seconds for a drop of egg juice to come up, and it's very sticky.

7. Three times of low-powder screening

8. Stir slowly from bottom to top, adding after each stirring (gently stir slowly by hand to prevent foaming, then the movement can be slower)

Steps 9 to 12

9. After mixing, pour the solution of the yogurt and butter mixture evenly into the dough, and then begin to stir quickly from the bottom up (note that when the liquid is covered with a rubber scraper, pour evenly into the dough).

10. When mixing from the bottom up, the method must be fast, i.e. a word speed of 30 seconds.

11. How many times in the past, because of the slowness of the results, the finished product did not collapse or harden.

12. )

Steps 13 to 16

13. Pour into the mold, the middle layer is 180 degrees for about 20 minutes (it doesn't matter if there is a slight crack, if you want to look good, lower the temperature to 10-20 degrees for baking)

14. This is when the blueberry cheese cream is made, and the softened butter is spread into fluffy feathers.

15. Add the chopped cream cheese and continue stirring.

16. After absorbing the butter and cream cheese, add 15 to 20 grams of blueberry sauce (about a tablespoon, not very precise)

17. Continue to stir evenly, and you'll see that the cream is stable (like toothpaste).

18. Put it in a bag.

19. The easiest way to do this is to draw a circle and then pull it up in the middle.