Chocolate cake rolls

2023-10-29 22:50:19CAKE


  I've always wanted to make this cake, but I didn't have the courage to bake it for my children, and I didn't even roll it.It wasn't until those days, when the kids didn't have a good appetite and were obviously not interested in the delicious things I had already made, that I decided to try it.You know, a little bit of novelty, the kids will be curious, they'll taste it.Besides, it's delicious, and that's what he likes.It's just, it's just, there's a little bit of a glitch in the baking process that has a little bit of an impact on the finished product, and hey, I made a little bit of a correction, confidentiality.



80 grams of low-fat flour
50 grams of milk
Five eggs
10 grams of cocoa powder
50 grams of corn oil
60 grams of white sugar
A moderate amount of salt
White vinegar in moderation
Strawberry sauce in moderation

How TO MADE Chocolate cake rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. Protein and egg yolk separation

2. (I'm five eggs, one of them is double yellow)

3. Add milk to the egg yolk, then add corn oil to the egg yolk.

4. (Manual egg maker)

Steps 5 to 8

5. Separate screening of low-powder.

6. Cut until there are no particles.

7. Protein and a few drops of white vinegar and a little bit of salt make a big bubble at low speed.

8. (Electric egg maker)

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add one-third of the sugar and beat the delicate foam for about two minutes in three-step medium speed.

10. Add another third of the sugar and continue to beat for about one minute in three rounds, and the egg has protein sticking to it, but the protein is still soft.

11. Add the last third of the sugar, beat for about one minute, lift the egg head, the protein appears curved, and the protein in the egg pot is clearly visible.

12. 3 stages continue for about 1 minute more than an hour, the protein of the egg head is upright, close to hard foam.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Take one-third of the protein and put it in the egg yolk paste and slice it up and down.

14. And preheat the oven, 150 degrees.

15. Mix the dough.

16. Pour into the remaining protein paste and cut evenly.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Take a small portion of the dough and put it in a bag of flowers.

18. Cut the flower bags into small pieces and squeeze them into a tin-paper baking tray.

19. (I cut it a little big.)

20. The remaining protein paste is squeezed back into the bowl and sifted into the cocoa powder.

21. After two or three minutes, remove the pan, and the dough will have solidified with a gentle touch.

22. Turn the oven 170 degrees.

23. Pour the mixed cocoa egg paste into the pan and into the top layer of the oven.

24. For about 25 minutes, the stove is turned upside down to cool, the sauce is rolled up with oil paper and placed in the refrigerator.

25. (Tinned paper when baking, as appropriate)

Handy cooking tips

  Pour 1 tablespoon of egg yolk into the pan and gently shake out the air bubbles.2 Pay attention to the baking time, so that the bottom is not too deep, causing a situation like mine, haha (if necessary, turn off the fire in time or add a baking tray at the bottom so that the bottom is not too deep, causing wavelengths not to be visible) 3 I use a prayer and 938N egg breaker, the power is much stronger than the previous one, please control the time and rate according to the actual situation of your own egg breaker