Original flavored cake

2023-10-29 22:51:07CAKE


  I've been through three crazes and I'm a little afraid to try it again because I want to make a flower cake for my mother's birthday, and I finally mustered up the courage to try it again, and I didn't expect this time because I had the motivation to add a very careful approach, which made me a little surprised, although it's not very extreme, but it's quite satisfying for me as a beginner baking scholar!



Five eggs
85 grams of low-fat flour
40 grams of sesame oil
40 grams of milk
Fine sugar 60 grams (in added protein)

How TO MADE Original flavored cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. All materials are prepared, the protein egg yolk is separated and placed separately in oil-free and water-free containers, and the flour needs to be sifted.

2. Gently spread with an egg beater, add 30 grams of fine sugar, stir evenly

3. Add 40 grams of milk and stir evenly.

4. Add 40 grams of sesame oil and stir evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Stir to all fusion

6. Add the sieved flour and stir gently and evenly with a rubber scraper.

7. Stir until the flour and egg whites are completely mixed without particles

8. "You can then beat the protein, use the egg beater to beat the protein to the shape of a fish's eye, and add 1/3 of the fine sugar."

Steps 9 to 12

9. When the protein starts to thicken, add 1/3 sugar.

10. Continue stirring until a pattern appears on the surface of the protein, adding the remaining 1/3 sugar

11. Continue beating until the egg beater is lifted, and the protein can pull out the curved pointed edge, indicating that it has reached the level of moist foaming, at which point it must continue beating

12. When the protein is able to pull out a small, upright pointed angle, it indicates a dry bubble state.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Add 1/3 of the protein to the egg yolk and gently stir up and down with a rubber scraper.

14. Stir evenly and then pour the whole egg yolk paste mixture into the protein paste container and stir up and down in the same way until completely even.

15. After mixing, it should be a fairly dense, uniform light yellow.

16. Pour it into the cake mold, flatten it, shake it twice, shake the air bubbles inside out.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Put in a preheated oven, 160 degrees, about 50 minutes - 1 hour

18. When the cake is cooked, it is removed from the oven and immediately placed upside down on the cooling rack until it cools again.

19. When removing the mold, a small knife can be easily removed by gently circling the inside of the mold.

20. The slices can be eaten, but they can also be used to make all kinds of cakes and mousse cakes.

Handy cooking tips

  1: You can't use a non-sticky cake mold when baking the cake, and you can't apply oil and grease paper around the mold, because the mold needs to rely on the adhesion of the mold wall to grow tall, otherwise the mold won't grow tall, that's what you said, the second time the mold failed is because I painted the oil, resulting in the cake not growing tall! 2: When mixing the egg yolk and protein, use the mixing method, don't mix in circles, so that the protein doesn't evaporate 3: When mixing the egg yolk and protein, the mixing is getting thicker and thicker.