Fresh tea fruit cake in the summer - super simple

2023-10-29 22:54:52CAKE


  A children's festival accompanied by a fiery summer day has arrived, how can you give your baby a fun and cheerful festival? Let's have a summer dessert PARTY!After making it and refrigerating it for an hour, it is light green with a cool touch, allowing the summer heat to sweep away the light. This little heart can be used to entertain the little companion who comes home to play with him, or it can be used as a delicious afternoon tea for the family.Use a 32-liter oven to make 12 cakes with your own baking tray.Baking temperature and time: 170°C, middle layer of oven, 30-40 minutes



Four eggs.
24 grams of fine sugar
32 grams of corn oil
5 grams of tea powder
45 grams of low-fat flour
32 grams of milk
Four eggs.
2 g of lemon juice
48 grams of fine sugar
and some cherries
250 grams of cream
20 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Fresh tea fruit cake in the summer - super simple

Steps 1 to 4

1. Separate the egg yolk and the egg yolk and place them separately in two large, clean, waterless bowls, add 24 grams of fine sugar and 32 grams of corn oil to the egg yolk, stir evenly, then add the tea powder and the low-fat flour, stir slightly evenly and you are done.

2. Add milk and stir into a fine, grain-free egg yolk paste, and set aside as a backup.

3. Egg whites and lemon juice are frozen in an electric egg beater until hard.

4. (Blow big bubbles, add 1/3 fine sugar; blow until the bubbles are fine, add 1/3 fine sugar; blow until there are obvious patterns, add the rest of the fine sugar; blow until hard bubbles, i.e. lift the egg whites from the blower to the upright tip)

Steps 5 to 8

5. "Add 1/3 of the egg yolk to the previously mixed egg yolk dough evenly, then divide the dough into two parts and pour the dough evenly into the egg yolk."

6. (Do not stir, and this step should be done as quickly as possible, otherwise the egg yolk is easy to melt, and the state of the egg yolk determines the success of the cake baking)

7. Put it in the middle layer of a preheated oven and bake it until the surface is slightly darker.

8. (Please pay close attention to the state of the cake during the last 5 minutes of baking, to prevent the cake from being baked or unbaked) Then add the light cream and sugar to the backup.

9. Put the two baked cake slices together after they have dried, and cut off the slightly hard cake edges around them.

10. Then put a layer of cream on the first slice of cake, and then put it on the second slice of cake.

11. Cut the cake into small, even pieces, and squeeze the leftover cream over each cake with a cream squeeze.

12. Finally, you can decorate your baby's favorite fruit with a simple, nutritious and delicious dessert!

Handy cooking tips

  1. Natural cream is made from fresh milk and is a very nutritious and healthy food.It must be refrigerated for 24 hours before dispatch, otherwise it may not be able to be dispatched, fresh cream after dispatch cannot be stored at normal temperature for too long, if it cannot be consumed in time, it needs to be refrigerated in the refrigerator.The eggs chosen must be fresh enough so that the yolk is not easily broken when the yolk is separated, and unfresh eggs will affect the release of the yolk.3. Fruits such as mangoes can be cut when the cake is ready, otherwise the oxidized color will turn dark.