Cocoa and sponge cakes

2023-10-29 22:55:53CAKE


  During weight loss, you really want to eat when you see something high in energy....The energy bombs of the chocolate cake gods are making people tickle their hearts!



Oatmeal 30 grams
Two eggs.
10 grams of pure cocoa powder
80 grams of skimmed milk
Moderate amounts of glycerol

How TO MADE Cocoa and sponge cakes

Steps 1 to 4

1. 70 g of milk, wheat flour, cocoa powder mixed and mixed in reserve, because the wheat flour will rise, so leave a small part of the milk later

2. Egg yolk protein isolated

3. To start the protein, it is better to add one or two drops of white vinegar, so it is more stable and not easy to dissipate, add a moderate amount of sucrose, I prefer cocoa bitter, so add less sucrose, see for yourself.

4. After sending the hard foam, add the egg yolk and continue beating.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After that, it's purple.

6. At this time, the dough is thick and the milk is left over.

7. Mixed up

8. Pour the dough into the dough and stir evenly.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put it in the mold for eight minutes.

10. Oven 170 degrees for 18 minutes

11. After cooking, turn the lid over and cool.

12. I don't want to miss the cake after eating it.

Steps 13 to 16

13. It's about 11 small cakes, an average of 26 calories per cake!

Handy cooking tips

  Cocoa powder should be pure, not that kind of sweetened powder!