Low-fat banana cake

2023-10-29 22:55:54CAKE





150 grams of low-fat flour
60 grams of fine sugar
90 grams of milk
One egg.
30 grams of vegetable oil
One banana is ripe.
Powdered 5 ml

How TO MADE Low-fat banana cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Bananas are peeled, placed in a preservative bag, pressed into a mortar with a doughnut stick, mixed with flour and baking powder, and sifted

2. Put milk, sugar, eggs, banana paste, vegetable oil in a large bowl

3. Stir with an egg beater to mix the liquid evenly

4. Pouring powder and blowing powder

Steps 5 to 8

5. Stir quickly and evenly, don't over-stir, but evenly.

6. Put it in a glass, don't fill it up.

7. Put it in a preheated oven, 170 degrees, medium, high and low heat, bake for about 20 minutes, and the surface is golden yellow.