Cake rolls with meat

2023-10-29 22:58:29CAKE





Four eggs.
Protein five
80 grams of low-fat flour
50 grams of sesame oil
50 grams of milk
60 grams of refined sugar (in protein)
Fine sugar (in egg yolk) 20 g
Salad sauce in moderation
Meat loose in moderation

How TO MADE Cake rolls with meat

Steps 1 to 4

1. Because I'm going to use a lot of protein this time, I'm going to use a bigger egg tray, because the tray is bigger, and the egg separator doesn't fit well, and I'm going to put it on two chopsticks, and it feels good, and it's a sudden idea.

2. Prepare the egg yolk.

3. Prepare your eggs.

4. I'll clean up first.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Divide the egg whites two or three times, add sugar, beat them to a moist foam, and set aside the spare.

6. Add the egg yolk directly, do not wash the egg yolk, add the egg yolk until the color turns pale, the volume is slightly larger, add the sesame oil three times, stir evenly each time and add the next time.

7. Add milk and stir.

8. Low-powder sieve, stir evenly with a rubber scraper.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add the finished protein to the egg yolk three times, stirring evenly from bottom to top.

10. Put baking paper or tin paper in the baking tray, pour the cake paste into it, and shake the large bubbles.

11. The middle layer of the oven, 180 degrees, 15 to 20 minutes (I used about 18 minutes), bake well.

12. Prepare another piece of baking paper, put the cake upside down, and tear the paper off the cake while it's hot.

13. After the cake has cooled down a bit, flip it over, apply the salad dressing to the surface, add a layer of meat loaf, roll it up, refrigerate it for 30 minutes, and the slices are ready to eat.


Handy cooking tips

  "Cake ingredients: 4 eggs, 5 proteins, 80 grams of low-fiber flour, 60 grams of refined sugar, 20 grams of refined sugar, 50 grams of olive oil, 50 grams of milk, baking: 180 degrees in the oven for 15-20 minutes (I used about 18 minutes)"