Low-fat tofu cake

2023-10-29 22:58:31CAKE


  The square comes from the new claim of the delicious pastry of the tofu teacher, the fruit is as she said: the white, pure tofu cake, looks like a piece of tofu on all four sides, the ingredients are also real, it is doubled with tofu and tofu pulp, tofu flavor.In addition, the cake contains no butter, is low in fat, and has a refreshing taste.



Low powder 150 grams
100 grams of sugar syrup
Vegetable oil with no special flavor 60 grams
100 grams of tofu
100 grams of fine sugar
Protein (1) 50 grams
Protein (2) 250 grams

How TO MADE Low-fat tofu cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Low-powder screening twice.

2. It should be emphasized here that sifting the flour will wrap more air in the flour, which will make the cake more fluffy.

3. So like a sponge cake, try not to be lazy, or it would be better to add more flour to the taste!

4. The tofu is stirred into a fine tofu paste, or directly through a coarser sieve.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Tofu is soft and easy to stir evenly.

6. Sugar-free soy milk and grape seed oil are poured into containers and heated separately.

7. Stir until 65 degrees, stop heating.

8. I measured it with a thermometer, and it didn't matter if I didn't have a thermometer, it was heated to the boiling point of the water in the outer pot and then the fire was turned off, and the insulating water was mixed with the soy sauce and the oil.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Pour the heated soy sauce and oil into the sieved powder and stir evenly.

10. It's a bowl of dough, it's not wet, but don't add water at will.

11. Add the tofu in step 2 and stir.

12. At this point, the dough begins to soften and become moist, but still feels stickier than usual.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Pour into 50 g of egg whites.

14. At this time, the dough is about the same moisture as the usual egg yolk dough.

15. Backup

16. Protein (2) is first stirred at low speed to form atmospheric bubbles.

17. Add fine sugar three times, stir until moisture bubbles, that is, the bubbles are fine and uniform, but after lifting the egg batter, the protein becomes curved, gently shake the bowl, the protein can also slide into a whole piece, and after stirring for a while it becomes dry.

18. Transfer 1/3 of the protein slices into the protein paste in step 9 and mix and divide the slices twice.

19. Cut into a uniform cake dough, then pour into a baking tray covered with grease paper, place in the middle layer of the oven preheated at 180 degrees, bake for 15 minutes, cool to 150 degrees and bake for about 15 minutes.

20. Note: The original recipe is to bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees and 140 degrees, then cool to 150 degrees and bake for about 15 minutes at 120 degrees.

21. My oven happens to be set to full power and half power, so it's set; if the oven can't be set to full power and half power, or if it's set to the same power, it's fine according to the temperature I wrote, no big problem.


Handy cooking tips

  After removing the baked cake, shake the pan so that the heat from the bottom runs out, then put it on the grill, peel off the oil paper and dry.It's recommended to refrigerate it and then enjoy it, don't worry.This is the size of the original square (35 cm x 25 cm x 3 cm), and it's huge, and I used nine eggs to make it, because I happened to be using egg yolk to make ice cream.You can adjust the dosage according to the size of your own grill.The filling can be according to your preferences, I used black sesame cream cheese filling (black sesame, sugar powder with cream cheese and a tablespoon of milk mixed smoothly), or red bean filling is also quite good.