The golden sponge cake

2023-10-29 22:59:14CAKE


  It's a healthy cake with no additives and no powder.



Four eggs.
120 grams of low-fat flour
30 grams of milk
70 grams of fine sugar
40 grams of corn oil

How TO MADE The golden sponge cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. The eggs are boiled in warm water at about 40 degrees for a while, making it easier for the eggs to hatch.

2. The eggs are placed in containers without oil or water.

3. Stir the eggs slowly and then pour them into the sugar.

4. The bowl of eggs is placed in a bowl filled with 40 degrees of warm water to maintain the temperature (but the temperature of the egg juice should not exceed 36 degrees), first stir the egg juice and sugar evenly at low speed until the sugar melts, then start stirring at high speed, during which time the egg beater should be stopped for a while to prevent the egg beater from being too tired and striking.

Steps 5 to 8

5. There are traces of drops, but the traces disappear quickly, and there are bubbles of varying sizes on the surface, which indicates that the wood has been stirred and still needs to work.

6. Until it starts to look like this: the color turns white, the surface bubbles are fine, have a certain density, the droplets of the egg have a forged band shape, flow from top to bottom, and the traces disappear slowly within five seconds.

7. That's when the egg is fully released.

8. (My egg maker is so hot, making a cake almost scrapped the egg maker.)

Steps 9 to 12

9. So you have to have a good quality egg.

10. )

11. Before making the eggs, sift the flour twice.

12. This makes the cake more delicate.

Steps 13 to 16

13. (I can't be lazy, I used to do it all the time.)

14. First, use a flour sieve to sift half of the flour into the eggs, because the flour will sink to the bottom after sifting, so use a rubber scraper to fold up from the bottom, mixing the flour and the eggs roughly evenly.

15. Add the remaining half of the flour and continue to fold it up from the bottom with a rubber scraper until the flour is mixed with the egg yolk and the granular flour is not visible.

16. Pay attention to the control time, too long will fade.

Steps 17 to 20

17. The final mixture is slightly smaller than the whole egg, thick, intermittent when dripping, and the traces are obvious and not easy to disappear.

18. Mix corn oil and milk in another small bowl.

19. Stir until emulsified (oil and water dissolve evenly) with a manual egg beater, and quickly roll a few circles.

20. At this time, the milk thistle oil mixture is completely invisible with oil stars floating, turning a pale milk yellow.

21. Take a large spoonful of mixed cake paste and mix it evenly with the cream in the bowl.

22. As you can see, the cake paste mixed with milk thistle oil is very thin, very liquid, there are traces when it drips but it disappears quickly.

23. After mixing, pour it back into the remaining cake paste, and use a rubber scraper to cut it thoroughly. The mixed cake paste is smooth, continuous and smooth, like silk when dripping.

24. The droplets will still have traces, they won't disappear quickly, there will be bubbles of air on the surface, but not much.

25. Finally, mix the cake paste, which should be used immediately, otherwise it is easy to melt.

26. Pour the cake paste into the rice cooker, grab the edge and shake the rice cooker down a few degrees, shaking the air bubbles on the surface.

27. "After jumping the gate, after 5 minutes, press the electric rice cooker to heat, after 10 minutes, press the electric rice cooker to heat, after jumping the gate, after 10 minutes, insert it with a toothpick, there is no paste on the toothpick."

28. (

29. Based on the power of my own electric rice cooker, I pressed the small power four times, because this time it was too high, and after four jumps, I kept the heat for 20 minutes to cook.

30. After removing it, hold it for 20 minutes.

31. The pot is a little sticky, and you can easily remove the mold with a spoon.

32. Isn't it perfect, enough gold and enough sponge?

33. Whoa, whoa.