Tea cake in an electric rice cooker

2023-10-29 22:59:17CAKE


  This is the fourth time I've made a cake, and the third time I didn't.I've read a lot of articles about making cakes, and there are some tips that people have, haha, that are very useful.



100 grams of flour
Three eggs.
60 grams of white sugar
40 grams of butter
50 grams of water
No aluminum foam powder 1 g
1 gram of salt
3 grams of tea powder

How TO MADE Tea cake in an electric rice cooker

Steps 1 to 4

1. Graph of materials.

2. Egg yolk and protein are separated.

3. Spread the egg yolk and add 20 grams of white sugar to make it white.

4. The melted butter is added to the mixture.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add clean water to the mixture.

6. Powder in the sieve, powder in the bubble, powder in the tea.

7. Stir from top to bottom with a scraper.

8. The protein is first blown into large bubbles with an egg beater, added to white sugar, and added a little salt.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add white sugar three times.

10. First hit at high speed, then hit at low speed to dry foam.

11. Add one-third of the protein to the egg yolk and stir with a scraper from top to bottom.

12. The remaining protein is poured into the dough and stirred from top to bottom with a scraper.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Pour the mixed dough into a clean, waterless rice cooker, shake vigorously for 2 seconds, shake the bubbles out.

14. If the surface of the cake is still slightly sticky, press the cooking button again and wait for the door to open again.

15. I cooked it three times.

16. As soon as the cake is ready, turn it over, it's a little cold and it's easy to lose shape.

17. (A little sticky can be gently peeled off with a spoon)

18. Sprinkle it with powdered sugar and put some mangoes on it.
