Super nutritious purple cabbage cake

2023-10-29 23:00:08CAKE


  I had purple in my house, and I thought I'd make a cake!



50 ml of water cooked with purple cabbage
100 grams of low-fat flour
Four eggs.
White sugar 80 grams
35 ml of vegetable oil
Two drops of white vinegar

How TO MADE Super nutritious purple cabbage cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. I boiled a lot of purple water!

2. Separating egg yolks from proteins

3. The protein can be raised to a small peak, and the peak doesn't collapse.

4. Add sugar three times when serving, and add white vinegar to the protein.

Steps 5 to 8

5. )

6. The butter, egg yolk, and purple water are mixed, then the low-fat flour is sifted and added to the mixture evenly.

7. Add the cooked protein three times to the egg yolk paste and stir until even from the bottom.

8. Pour the cake liquid into the non-sticky mold.

9. 135 degrees and 70 minutes.

10. It's out!

Handy cooking tips

  ps: boiled purple water needs to be cooled before it can be used