Sugar-free red date cake

2023-10-29 23:00:26CAKE


  "Dad can't eat sugar anymore, he's very unhappy, so he made some gingerbread cake to comfort him (actually it's better not to add dates, because dates also have higher sugar)."



Three eggs.
Low flour 40 grams
40 grams of dates
About 50 milliliters of milk
40 grams of sucrose
Sesame at will
A small amount of powder

How TO MADE Sugar-free red date cake

1. Eggs with sugar and hot water

2. Low powder + a small amount of bubble powder poured through a sieve into the released egg juice

3. The date and the milk are put into the cooking machine and crushed into a paste (the amount of milk can be adjusted according to the water absorption of the date, thin paste can be) 0, the milk date paste is slowly poured into the egg juice

4. The egg juice is stirred evenly and poured into the mold.

5. 160 degrees, medium layer, about 20 minutes to cook.