Chocolate naked cake

2023-10-30 00:22:52CAKE


  The naked cake came quietly, and I had to follow the wind.It's not simple.



Three eggs.
30 grams of raw cocoa powder
Low flour 30 grams
20 grams of red sugar
35 grams of corn oil
50 grams of hot water
White sugar 35 grams

How TO MADE Chocolate naked cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation of materials

2. Hot water is used to make chocolate powder into a paste.

3. Stir in the egg yolk.

4. Stir evenly and mix the red sugar through the sieve.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Sift into low-powder mixture.

6. The protein is made into a hard foam, sliced into the egg yolk, and poured into the cake mold.

7. 160 degrees, 30 to 35 minutes.

8. Divide the cake into 3 layers.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put some cream on it, put some strawberries on it.

10. Layer by layer of cream

11. Enjoy the finished product

12. Enjoy the finished product

Steps 13 to 16

13. Enjoy the finished product

14. Enjoy the finished product

15. Enjoy the finished product