Peanut butter cake rolls

2023-10-30 00:24:19CAKE


  This cake comes from the heart of poetry, thank you for your selfless provision! Compared to the previous cake rolls, I found that the amount of flour and sugar in this roll is much less, I immediately tried it, I found it very soft, combined with peanut butter, the sweetness of the cake highlights the sweetness of peanut butter, very suitable for children to make afternoon snacks.



Four eggs.
40 grams of flour
40 grams of fine sugar
40 grams of milk
40 grams of corn oil

How TO MADE Peanut butter cake rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare to weigh the ingredients, separate the egg yolks, and sift the flour once in advance.

2. The egg yolk is mixed evenly with 10 grams of sugar in a hand-held egg beater, and then the oil and milk are mixed evenly.

3. (Stir as much and add as much)

4. In the sieve, the flour is first pressed into the egg yolk dough in a pinch, then stirred with a stir-fry method until it is grain-free.

Steps 5 to 8

5. This step requires a lot of patience, gentle and quick turning, the flour particles are scattered with a scraper; do not stir in circles.

6. With a good egg yolk paste and a spare on the side.

7. Prepare the protein, add 2 drops of white vinegar, beat slowly until the fish eye bubble rises and add 10 grams of sugar.

8. Continue beating until the bubbles are thicker and add 10 grams of sugar again.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Starting at medium speed, the foam is finer, and the remaining 10 grams of sugar are added when the surface is streaked.

10. Stirring at high speed, you can stop from time to time to check whether the moisture has foamed, making the cake roll only needs moisture foaming.

11. The protein is released when the tip of the incubator is slightly curved.

12. (At this point the oven can be preheated, 150 degrees, up and down the fire)

13. Use a knife to scrape about a third of the egg yolk into the egg yolk paste, rolling it evenly with the method of frying, do not circle, so as not to evaporate, affecting the growth of the cake.

14. Pour the good egg yolk back into the egg yolk, turning the egg yolk evenly in the same way.

15. The pan is covered with oil paper, poured into the paste, gently shaken so that the paste is evenly spread, then the pan is pressed down again, shaking the bubbles.

16. Put in the middle layer of a preheated oven, 150 degrees, 15 minutes.

17. The oven is turned upside down in the baking net, the oil paper is uncovered to dissipate the heat, and a new oil paper is taken to cover the cake, preventing the water from evaporating too dry when the cake is rolled.

18. When the temperature is low, turn it over from the baking net and put it on the operating table, apply the peanut butter, roll it up, put it in the refrigerator for one hour with an oil paper bag.


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