Whole egg sponge cake

2023-10-30 00:24:27CAKE





100 grams of low-fat flour
100 grams of fine sugar
Four eggs.
35 grams of milk
35 grams of sesame oil
1 tablespoon of milk

How TO MADE Whole egg sponge cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Egg bowl with eggs, added fine sugar

2. Put the egg pan in a hot water pot, open the fire as little as possible, and use an electric egg beater to boil the eggs.

3. It's twice as big, it's lighter in color, and there's a noticeable pattern underneath the egg batter, and it disappears in a few seconds.

4. Try to keep the eggs out of the water.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Sieve into low-fat flour and stir evenly.

6. The flour will sink, so it must be stirred from the bottom up.

7. Another dozen eggs are poured into a bowl, mixed with milk and olive oil, then added to the fermented milk and mixed thoroughly.

8. Pour the mixture of well-mixed buttermilk into the egg paste and stir evenly.

9. Pour into the mold, middle and lower layers, heat up and down 170 degrees.

10. 25 to 30 minutes.

11. (I'm a 6-inch model) Roast for about 15 minutes and the top will turn color, you need to cover the top with tin paper, otherwise the top is too dark and it's easy to roast.


Handy cooking tips

  1 tablespoon of boiled eggs is more fluffy, it is full of bubbles, so it is easy to sink to the bottom after adding powder or oil water, stir from the bottom up when stirring, do not circle, personally feel that sponge cake is easier to deflate than stirring.2 tablespoons of cake paste poured into the mold for eight cents is enough, this one doesn't have such a big increase in wind.