Tea and honey cake

2023-10-30 00:26:42CAKE


  Tea powder contains tea polyphenols, and studies have shown that tea polyphenols can remove excessive harmful free radicals in the body, and can regenerate high-efficiency antioxidants such as α-VE-VC-GSH-SOD in the human body, thereby protecting and repairing the antioxidant system, and have a significant effect on enhancing the body's immunity, preventing cancer, aging and aging.Drinking green tea can reduce blood sugar, lipids, and blood pressure, thereby preventing cardiovascular disease.I don't know why my tea has so much or no green color, only a faint brown taste.This time I dared to make a cake with high-quality flour.Cakes made with high-quality flour don't taste the same.It's a pity that the green tea didn't come out.



High starch flour 110 grams
15 grams of corn flour
60 grams of sesame oil
200 grams of protein
Fine sugar 110 grams
1/4 teaspoon of powder
60 grams of milk
30 grams of honey
1/4 teaspoon of powder
2/5 teaspoon of water
120 grams of homemade red beans

How TO MADE Tea and honey cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put cow's milk and honey in a large bowl and mix the high-powdered cornstarch foam with the sieve.

2. The tea powder is poured into the water.

3. Pour into the milk mixture and stir evenly.

4. The protein is poured into a large bowl without water or oil and cooked into a thick bubble.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add young sugar (fine sugar) in three parts and stir slowly to form a bubble.

6. At the end of the day, it's a small hook.

7. Take half of the protein and add it to the milk mixture, pour it into the high powder and stir evenly from bottom to top.

8. Pour the stirred protein paste into the remaining protein and stir evenly again.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Pour it into the grinder and sprinkle it on the beans.

10. In a layer of protein paste, sprinkle it on the beans (I sprinkle two layers).

11. The oven is preheated and baked for 25 to 30 minutes on a medium heat of 180 degrees.


Handy cooking tips

  If you're using a fixed bottom, make sure you put a paper towel underneath to make it easier to remove the mold.Protein paste must be stirred, it can't be stirred like a circle, it's easy to dissipate, it affects the taste.Adjust the time and temperature according to your oven Oh, even the oven of the same brand and model is not the same temperature