Lemon juice

2023-10-30 00:29:54CAKE


  It's one of the foundations of baking, and I've tried it a lot over the past year, and I think it's a good idea.A lot of times, what's right for someone else isn't right for you, you just have to keep trying to find the one that's right for you.I've always loved it, it's short, the tools are simple, and most importantly, there's no butter in it.For me, baking without butter is a good recipe.Of course, I have a traditional Chinese stomach.It is usually made in the evening, and the next morning it is served with soy sauce for breakfast.It's safe and comfortable.



Low flour 100 grams
Four eggs.
80 grams of fine sugar
40 ml of milk
40 ml of sesame oil
2 ml of lemon juice
2 grams of baking powder (optional)

How TO MADE Lemon juice

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparing the raw materials

2. The protein and egg yolk are separated by a whey separator.

3. (You can also do it by hand, it's just a matter of cleaning it up.)

4. )

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add 20 grams of fine sugar to the egg yolk and stir evenly.

6. Then add the milk box oil and continue stirring until fine.

7. The powder is mixed with the flour and added to the egg yolk.

8. (The powder can be omitted, the taste is no different.)

Steps 9 to 12

9. )

10. Stir evenly with an egg beater.

11. Then use a rubber brush to crush the small particles that are not stirred inside until the egg yolk is completely smooth.

12. Put the spare next to it.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Add lemon juice to the protein, and add 20 grams of fine sugar to block the bubbles.

14. Add 20 grams of fine sugar to the small bubbles.

15. Add the last 20 grams of sugar when the surface is patterned, then beat for a while and then continue to beat the eggs to the highest grade.

16. Until the egg beater is pulled out and the little spikes appear.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Put one-third of the protein in the egg yolk and stir evenly.

18. It must be stirred until the protein egg yolk is fused together, so that there is no obvious yellow and white.

19. Add another third of the protein mixture.

20. Add the mixed egg yolk to the remaining one-third of the protein and continue stirring evenly.

21. Pour into the mold, use the force, and get as many bubbles as possible inside.

22. Preheat the oven 180 degrees, middle and lower layers, up and down the fire for 30 minutes.

23. As soon as it is taken out, it is fastened upside down on the curtain to prevent shrinkage.

24. After cooling, both hands hold the mold, push the cake out with the force of the thumb, and then use the tool to remove the bottom.

25. (I use a Western knife, one hand on the bottom, one hand on the bottom, and one hand on the bottom.)

26. )

Handy cooking tips

  1 Make sure to use fresh eggs, not refrigerated 2 Do not have water in the container 3 grams of lemon not only for the sake of protein, but also to increase the fresh tasteYou can add lemon juice without lemon.4 Each step of mixing must be completely repeated in the next step, and the protein egg yolk mixing must be completely flipped from the bottom up.5 The 8-inch mold I used