Purple pearl mango cake

2023-10-30 00:31:42CAKE


  Yesterday was my grandfather's birthday, and these two children of September are very happy.No, I made another love-filled cream cake for my boss.Here's a thank you for the prize from the platform, and I'm going to finish the baking.Because I love this dessert, and I enjoyed the whole process.When this cake was finished yesterday, my dad said, "Well, the color hasn't improved, but compared to what you can see in the video, it's a little soft, it doesn't look strong".Well, a little bit of progress and I'll be happy, you can only learn slowly, you can only learn with your mind, that's wonderful, but it takes a lot of time to practice.Send this purple pearl mango cake first, your friends who like it can refer to it.



Six eggs
Low flour 160 grams
90 grams of white sugar
Mango two.
Sugar beads in moderation
Sugar powder in moderation
450 grams of cream

How TO MADE Purple pearl mango cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. The material used for the preparation is shown in the figure.

2. Separate the egg yolk and add the white sugar until the protein is frozen.

3. Add the egg yolk again and again until it is completely mixed.

4. When you're sending eggs, remember to be on time.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Cocoa powder and flour are added after sifting.

6. After mixing until dry powder-free, reserve.

7. Mix the good cake paste into the mold and create a bubble.

8. Put it back in the hot oven and bake it for 50 minutes.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The baked and cooled cakes are converted into cake slices, which are then prepared with light cream, sugar powder, mangoes, sugar beads and dried fruit.

10. Add the light cream to the sugar powder, spread well, spread on the cake slices, then spread the mango meat on top.

11. Then put another piece of cake on top, smear it with cream and sprinkle it with cream flowers, and then sprinkle it with fruit and sugar beads.


Handy cooking tips

  The temperature of the baking is adjusted according to the performance of the oven itself.