
2023-10-30 00:31:44CAKE





Low-fat flour in moderation
Three eggs.
A moderate amount of milk
20 grams of butter
Digesting four biscuits
100 grams of cheese

How TO MADE Cheesecake

Steps 1 to 4

1. I'm going to crush the digestion biscuits, and I'm going to use the breakfast biscuits.

2. The bottom of the cake mold is coated with oil paper/tin paper, and the breadcrumbs and melted butter are evenly mixed and applied to the bottom of the cake mold.

3. Mix the butter and cream cheese together, add the milk and flour in stages, and mix evenly.

4. After adding protein and sugar

Steps 5 to 8

5. Mix the released protein and egg yolk.

6. Oven 190 degrees preheated for 10 minutes, put in the mold, lower layer in the oven, change to 140 degrees heat baking for 60 minutes

7. It's cooked, it tastes better when it's refrigerated, and it goes with a cup of tea.