Cherry and blueberry chocolate

2023-10-30 00:55:57CAKE


  Pancake is called pancake, but the definition of pancake varies from country to country.In the United Kingdom, pancakes are usually unfermented and more like a thin pie, similar to the French and Italian crepe."In North America, pancakes are usually made with baking powder or yeast to make the pancakes swell and soften, and are typically about one centimeter thick, closer to the taste of a Scottish pancake."This pancake is an American pancake.Cherry, blueberry, yogurt, and chocolate pancakes, and I have to say, it tasted better than I expected.On the weekends, I sleep until I wake up naturally, and then I sit quietly at the dinner table, slowly tasting each bite, no matter how annoying the trouble is, it's definitely my cure for pancakes.Here's a very popular Shaker pancake (White Wings) in Australia, and the magic of it is that you no longer need to mix grams of flour, baking powder, milk, eggs, salt, sugar to make your pancake.All you have to do is add cold water to a bottle of shaker pancakes, and all the recipes are in this magic bottle.



410 ml of water
5 grams of cocoa powder
1 g of butter
Shakerpancake 350 grams
180 ml of water
2 grams of cocoa powder
Shaker pancake is 350 grams
150 grams of cherries
5 ml of honey
1 g of cornstarch
10 ml of yogurt
5 grams of blueberries

How TO MADE Cherry and blueberry chocolate

Steps 1 to 4

1. Add a spoonful of cocoa powder to the shaker pancake bottle, pour cold water into the bottle according to the instructions, and shake the bottle vigorously.

2. After about one or two minutes, the pancake dough is ready.

3. Preheat the non-sticky pan on a medium fire, wipe the bottom of the pan evenly with a little butter with kitchen paper, pour a spoonful of dough into the pan, and the dough naturally extends outwards into a round shape.

4. When a small bubble appears on the surface of the paste, it indicates that the bottom has formed.

Steps 5 to 8

5. At this point, the pancake can be flipped over, and each side is fried for about 1-2 minutes, turning golden yellow and ready for cooking.

6. In a small pot, heat de-kerned fresh cherries, blueberries, water, honey to boil.

7. After about 5 minutes, the cherries and blueberries begin to melt, the jam becomes thick, and the fire is turned off.

8. After cooling at room temperature for five minutes, pour half of the jam into the blender and start stirring evenly until it becomes smooth, pour it back into the pot and mix with the other half of the jam.

9. Heat to boil again, add cornstarch mixed with water, cook for a minute, cherry blueberry sauce, and done!

10. Each pancake is evenly coated with cherry and blueberry jam, and then topped with yogurt, blueberries, and cocoa powder.

11. The cherry blueberry chocolate pancake is done!

Handy cooking tips

  If you're lazy in the kitchen, you can choose your own cherry / blueberry jam. Oh! Here's how to make pancake dough if you don't have Shaker pancakes. Pancake dough ingredients: medium flour 200 g of baking powder 10 g of milk 300 ml of eggs 2 sugars 30 g of salt 3 g of eggs and milk mixed by hand in an electric mixer, spread evenly, pour into medium flour, sugar, salt and baking powder, mix and continue to spread.Leave the spread evenly for half an hour to an hour, and after the foam powder has fully worked, stir evenly with a spoon.