Potato pancakes

2023-09-21 10:30:10CHINESE FOOD





One potato.
One egg.
Two slices of cheese
A moderate amount of pepper
A moderate amount of salt

How TO MADE Potato pancakes

Steps 1 to 4

1. The main ingredient is ready.

2. Bacon sliced

3. Wash the potatoes, cut them into pieces, and steam for about 10 minutes.

4. Heat pressed into clay

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put the cheese slices in and stir while it's hot.

6. Put the eggs in.

7. Put it in the bacon and stir into the dough.

8. Then add a moderate amount of salt and pepper powder.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Brush a thin layer of oil on the pan, add a spoonful of dough, and spread evenly

10. Slowly roasted on a low flame.

11. Then carefully flip it over and fry it to another golden yellow.