Fresh meat.

2023-09-21 10:30:14CHINESE FOOD


  Hopefully, hopefully, the first snow of Xi'an 2012 will finally fall, and the beauty will not win.Taking the baby out to play in the snow, the little guy is especially happy.It feels like it should be, there's cold, there's snow, this winter has been perfect enough! Yesterday was the winter solstice again, remember last winter solstice specially packed a sweet and sweet water bottle for my baby, she especially liked it, and I also got a prize for creative cuisine from that water bottle.How happy she was then.In the blink of an eye, a year has passed, and the harvest and growth in the Great Kitchen is endless.In short, the most I want to say is, thank you for the food, thank you for the great cuisine, they have made my life full of changes, surprises and growth! I have always dreamed of opening my own little house with my husband, cooking some home-cooked meals, so that those who are floating outside can feel the warmth of home through our hands.That little dream about food, I believe that after constant effort, after waiting for the right time, it will surely come true! There is love, there is a dream, there is effort, there is a harvest, such a life is really beautiful and beautiful...



Section 1 of the Lotus
Fresh meat in moderation
Moderate amount of flour
Spinach in moderation
One onion
One piece of ginger.
The right amount of olive oil
The thirteenth fragrance
Life expectancy
A moderate amount of salt
Moderate amounts of sesame oil

How TO MADE Fresh meat.

Steps 1 to 4

1. The lotus is cleaned with a steel wire ball brush and thoroughly chopped.

2. Fresh meat is cleaned and cut into a paste with onions and ginger.

3. Chopped meat and minced lotus are put in a container, and a moderate amount of olive oil is added.

4. Join the Thirteen.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Added salt.

6. A little bit of raw tobacco.

7. A moderate amount of sesame oil.

8. Mix thoroughly and evenly, and the fresh meat and the filling will be ready.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Wash the spinach clean, put it in the cooking machine, add a little warm water and stir it into clay.

10. Take a moderate amount of flour, pour it into a spinach paste, and make a soft dough, soak the cloth for half an hour.

11. The dough is divided into small pieces to be rubbed evenly and then rolled into small pieces.

12. A small amount of flour is poured over the dough and pressed flat with the palm of the hand, forming a slightly thicker disk with a slightly thinner edge in the middle.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Take a round slice and place it in the center of the filling.

14. Wrapped in willow leaves.

15. Wrap all the nuts like this.

16. Boil the water in the pot, boil the water and put it in the saucepan, and after cooking it can be eaten while it is hot.