Roasted chicken

2023-09-21 10:30:41CHINESE FOOD





130 grams of low-strength powder
55 grams of pork fat
About 45 grams of water
Butter: 110 grams of low-fat flour
Pork filling in moderation
Onions in moderation
A moderate amount of salt
Life expectancy
A moderate amount of fenugreek
The right amount of chicken
Moderate amounts of perfume
Ginger in moderation

How TO MADE Roasted chicken

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation of materials

2. The meat is seasoned with a suitable amount of salt and pepper, and the chicken is seasoned with olive oil.

3. Added onions and ginger

4. With low flour and pork fat and butter

Steps 5 to 8

5. And good for you.

6. A mixture of water and pork fat

7. Adding flour

8. After mixing evenly, heat the water to synthesize an elastic water-oil skin and simmer for 30 minutes.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Divide the water and the oil into two halves.

10. Wrapped in watercress

11. Open up

12. Fold in three layers, open, repeat three times, each time cover the hair with a preservative film for 8 to 10 minutes

Steps 13 to 16

13. It is cooked in large slices, stuffed with marinated meat, and rolled tightly.

14. Two heads shut.

15. Brush the eggs, sprinkle some sesame

16. 180 degrees, medium, roast for about 25-30 minutes.

Handy cooking tips

  You have to be patient to make a cake.The technique of mixing water and pork fat first, adding flour in stages, and finally using warm water.That's how you become resilient.3 Pay attention to the process of hair removal, do not be hasty.Cover your hair with a wet cloth or a protective film to prevent drying and hardening.