Coconut and pumpkin cakes

2023-09-21 10:31:23SNACKS


  Pumpkins contain starch, protein, carotenoid, vitamin B, vitamin C, and calcium phosphate, among other ingredients.Pumpkins are not only of high nutritional value.It also has a significant therapeutic effect.According to the herb: pumpkin is warm, tastes sweet and non-toxic, enters the spleen, stomach, can lubricate the lungs, expels pus, detoxifies insects, treats cough and asthma, treats lung and constipation, and is beneficial for urine and beauty.In recent years, domestic and foreign medical experts and scholars have experimentally shown that eating pumpkins can also treat prostate enlargement (pumpkins can cure prostate enlargement) and prevent prostate cancer, prevent arterial stiffness and gastric mucosa ulcers, and reduce the effect of stones.Today I'm bringing you a modified version of the coconut and pumpkin smoothie, and I hope you like it!



500 grams of pumpkin
Coconut milk 300 grams
250 grams of flour
80 g of white sugar

How TO MADE Coconut and pumpkin cakes

Steps 1 to 4

1. The pumpkin is peeled into thin slices, heated in the microwave or on a steamer until soft, then crushed with a spoon into pumpkin paste, cooled for use.

2. After the pumpkin is cooled, pour it into the coconut milk and stir evenly.

3. Add white sugar and stir until the sugar dissolves.

4. Finally, add the flour gradually, stirring thoroughly to form a paste.

Steps 5 to 8

5. In a non-sticky pan, pour a little oil, preheat on low heat for a minute.

6. Use a spoon to scoop the pumpkin paste into a non-sticky pan, spread flat, fry it on a small fire until it is golden yellow on both sides.

Handy cooking tips

  Since old pumpkins are sweeter, do not add too much white sugar, if you do not like to eat too sweet, do not add sugar.2. Coconut milk contains coconut oil, so you don't need to add too much oil to the pancakes, just a little.