Homemade strawberry sauce

2023-09-21 10:32:47BAKING





500 grams of strawberries
150 grams of white sugar
Half a lemon

How TO MADE Homemade strawberry sauce

Steps 1 to 4

1. Wash the strawberries, cut the big ones into pieces, the small ones don't need to be processed

2. Stir evenly with white sugar and let stand for 1 hour.

3. After a while, the sugar will kill a lot of strawberry juice.

4. Take half a lemon juice

Steps 5 to 8

5. Killed strawberries and lemon juice poured into stainless steel pots

6. Cook over low heat to keep it in a slightly boiling state.

7. Slowly, the strawberries become softer, more transparent, and less juicy.

8. The fire can be turned off when the jam is cooked until it is slightly thick and there is some fruit juice, which will become more thick after cooling.

Handy cooking tips

  I'm going to make it a little bit sweeter, but I don't want too much sugar, otherwise it's easy to spoil.After looking at the information, it is said that sugar is the best preservative. Find a container, preferably glass, boil water and disinfect it to dry, then put the jam to extend the shelf life.