Colorful vegetable pizza

2023-09-21 10:33:29PIES


  Yesterday I made toast, today I made vegetable slices for breakfast, it's a special dish that both children love, it's very easy to make, it's also very nutritious, there's bread, there's ham, there's vegetables, there's cheese, and with a glass of drink and a little fruit, it's a very rich breakfast, enough for the children to be energetic in the morning.I paired it with an omelet, a cup of caramel, apple yogurt, and some fruit.When baking a small pizza, use the waiting time to prepare other foods, and the time it takes for such a breakfast is only a dozen minutes.



Toast four.
A piece of ham.
A moderate amount of corn
Carrots in moderation
Broccoli in moderation
A little salt.
Matsu cheese in moderation

How TO MADE Colorful vegetable pizza

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the toast.

2. (For small pizzas, cut a little thicker, not too thin)

3. Prepare the corn kernels, add the ham, the carrots, and the strawberries, and cut them into small pieces.

4. Boil a moderate amount of water in the pot, add a little salt, and add colored vegetables except ham to the boiling water.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Removing dried sewage.

6. Put oil paper in the pan and put it in the toast.

7. A layer of tomato sauce (or pizza sauce or salad sauce) is applied evenly, depending on the taste of the person.

8. Sprinkle a moderate amount of masso cheese on it.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Lay a layer of ham and colored vegetables.

10. Add another layer of masso cheese.

11. Put it in a preheated oven and bake it at 170 degrees for about 10 minutes until the cheese is completely melted.

Handy cooking tips

  Poetry: 1: Toast can be topped with pizza sauce, tomato sauce, and salad sauce, adjusted to your preferred taste.2: When the colored vegetables are ripe, they need to be drained of water.3: To make such a breakfast, make good use of time, prepare other foods while waiting for the small pizza to come out of the oven, so that a breakfast takes only ten minutes.4: I'm doing it for four people, on demand.