Purple bread

2023-09-21 10:33:47BREADS





150 grams of high-quality flour
145 grams of milk
3 grams of yeast
White sugar 15 grams
150 grams of high-quality flour
45 grams of milk
40 grams of egg juice
2 grams of yeast
White sugar 25 grams
4 grams of salt
30 grams of butter

How TO MADE Purple bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Cut the purple potatoes into small pieces, crush them with a spoon, add a moderate amount of sugar and milk (not in the recipe), the amount of milk depends on the situation, add a little bit, when the purple potatoes become wet

2. Put the middle dough material (i.e. the main ingredient in the recipe) in the baking machine, take care to take a part of the milk, put it in the microwave oven, heat it for 10 seconds, then mix it with the remaining milk, turn it into warm milk, put the yeast in the warm milk, melt it, pour it into the baking machine, and process the dough for 20 minutes.

3. Fermented to 2.5 times the normal temperature

4. The ingredients of the main dough (i.e. the ingredients in the recipe) are placed in the baking machine first, pay attention that the yeast does not come into direct contact with the liquid baking salt, it can be placed on the flour, start and wind the process, 1000 g, bake in color, stir for 10 minutes and then add the butter softened at room temperature, then the automatic process of the baking machine

Steps 5 to 8

5. At the end of the first fermentation, take out the dough, flatten it with a doughnut stick, put the purple potato filling on the dough, don't spread it too much, I just spread it too much, a thin layer is fine, then roll it up, put it in the bag for a second layer (one person has to take a picture, and the dough is not convenient).



8. So there is no process map.

9. At the end of the second fermentation, brush the egg yolk on the surface (I forgot to leave the egg yolk, so I just brushed it with the remaining egg yolk in the bowl) and then apply a layer of coconut flour

10. When the baking is over, take it out to cool and cut it, very soft bread, strongly recommend you try it, but don't put too many purple potatoes.

Handy cooking tips

  The amount of milk in the main dough can be adjusted, I said when I made it was 40 grams of egg juice, actually I put a whole egg, probably more than 40 grams, so my milk is still 5 grams more than the original recipe, the amount of milk depends on the specific situation of the dough