Cake with cassava sauce

2023-09-19 19:02:17CAKE


  As mentioned earlier, Isabella has gained so much weight that her face is obscured by the camera, so today's cupcake is made without butter and chocolate from top to bottom to alleviate the guilt of eating dessert... This little cake is a bit casual, but still delicious.



Two eggs.
150 grams of fine sugar
125 grams of low-fat flour
1260 grams of milk
Protein two.
280 grams of milk
30 grams of vegetable oil
100 grams of low-fat flour
265 grams of fine sugar
5 grams of flour
1 gram of salt
5 grams of cocoa powder

How TO MADE Cake with cassava sauce

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, add two egg yolks and fine sugar 1 and stir by hand until the color turns white and the volume expands.

2. Add low-fat flour to stir evenly.

3. Milk 1 small fire cooked until the edge begins to bubble.

4. Then pour the milk slowly into the egg yolk and stir evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour the mixed liquid back into the pot, put it back on the stove, heat it over medium heat, stir it constantly, heat it until the cassava sauce becomes very thick, and when stirred it can form a little pattern.

6. Then take it off the fire and put it in ice water to cool.

7. Protein plus milk 2 mixed evenly

8. After stirring, add vegetable oil to stir evenly.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Low starch flour mixed evenly with fine sugar, salt, cocoa powder and baking powder.

10. The mixed liquid is then mixed with the dry powder and mixed directly until there is no dry powder, where the counter method has no requirements.

11. Put the dough in paper cups, exactly six, each about seven cents full.

12. Put it in a preheated oven at 160 degrees and bake it for 20 minutes.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The cassava is packed in a bag of flowers.

14. Squeezed onto a slightly cooled cupcake, here I used a large 8-foot flower mouth.

15. Then... eat it.