Authentic Shaanxi mountain noodles

2023-10-26 12:47:02CHINESE FOOD


  What is your family's rice? Chicken, duck, fish, and beef? For the people of Shaanxi, rice is rice.Of these, only one bowl of noodles is the most anticipated, and the importance of noodles in the hearts of the people of Shaanxi is no less than that of noodles.Every year, the people of Shaanxi come to the south to kill pigs, to fish, to cook fish, so as a native of Shaanxi, if you don't pack a big pot of noodles, it's too much to say.The people of Shaanxi call the manufacture of chopsticks chopsticks.Since dumplings can be stored for a long time, it is not a problem to make a big pot of dumplings every New Year's Eve and eat it for the first half of the year.Now that people's material conditions are better, few people will make a big pot of chicken meat and eat it for half a year.But the tradition of eating noodles in the bones of the people of Shaanxi is still going on.So if you come to Xi'an for a dinner party with your friends, you'll find that the last main course is no exception, it's a big bowl of noodles about the noodles of Xi'an.What are you waiting for? The nine characteristics of Gifu Mountain noodles: thin, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick.The traditional choice of chicken meat is fat and thin 7:3, preferably fat and not thin, this can be changed according to personal preference.Raw materials: two kilos of garlic seasoning: onion, garlic peel, garlic powder, pepper powder, wine, sauce, and vinegar.1 teaspoon of ginger, raw tobacco, garlic peel, and wine.2 tablespoons of chili peppers, one tablespoon thick and one tablespoon thin.A small bowl of vinegar is about a tenth of the meat.The production of two-sided noodles, thin-sided noodles, thin-sided noodles, thin-sided noodles, thin-sided noodles.It's best to squeeze the noodles with a hand-pressed iron stick, or it's best to squeeze the noodles with a hand-pressed iron stick, because we all know that squeezed noodles have less water and are stronger.Here I can only make noodles by hand, originally made by my grandmother, this time I came to try the little cow knife, even though I learned to report, it was still a little short, the last one my grandmother gave me for two seconds.Here's a few things to remember about making a good face at home.Remember: thin: all is technical raw material: add eggs and salt; light: add alkali three ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredientsTofu is a symbol of black and white; eggs are a symbol of wealth; red radishes are a symbol of red fire; garlic seeds are a symbol of vitality.In fact, it's first to use oil to blow up a spice and then pour it into a liquid such as vinegar, which is called vinegar instead of acid.Rare: It is said that noodles need less soup to be wide, and eat noodles carefully: only eat noodles do not drink soup, noodles are also a breath of scent.It's a small thing to eat a bowl of noodles, and it's a small thing to eat a dozen bowls of noodles.In the past, people were short of oil and water, so they liked to eat oil with a layer of red oil floating on it and only eat noodles and not drink soup, here at home everyone makes their own it is not necessary that there is not much oil, it is a pity, drink the big summer, who suffered(So I'm selling it here at a slight discount.)



1000 grams of pork
50 grams of dried yellow flowers
20 grams of dried wood
100 grams of tofu
Carrot root and half
Two eggs.
50 grams of cabbage
500 grams of high-quality flour
Onions in moderation
Ginger in moderation
20 grams of cheese
A large spoonful of wine
250 grams of Guizhou vinegar
Two tablespoons of pepper powder
A small piece of laurel
Eight and two.
The right amount of salt and chicken
Adequate intake of alkali
A small spoonful of cinnamon

How TO MADE Authentic Shaanxi mountain noodles

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation of raw materials

2. I bought five pieces of meat (I bought two kilos) thick and thin, cut into thin pieces the size of a nail cover, and the thin meat can be cut into pieces.

3. Hot pan oil, about the ratio of one kilogram of meat to two kilograms of oil, poured into the fat meat, fried, fried.

4. It is cooked until the fat meat is cooked and the oil is poured into the lean meat, until most of the moisture is lost.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add a little bit of vinegar, a little bit of ginger, a little bit of garlic, a little bit of octopus and a little bit of cinnamon powder.

6. Add a little bit of butter, salt and chicken broth.

7. The salt is more convenient to preserve, and the dish is fried 2-3 times a day.

8. Add a lot of vinegar to about a small bowl, about two kilos of meat, about two or two vinegars, the total amount is larger, but this also depends on the taste of the population and the preparation of the soup, because the soup also needs to add vinegar.

Steps 9 to 12

9. (Although acid is its characteristic, we can't eat it without acid either)

10. Cook on medium heat for 5 to 10 minutes until the moisture is basically lost, and sprinkle a lot of pepper powder (I use about two tablespoons).

11. Turn off the fire evenly.

12. A good steak can be stored for a long time in the fridge for a month or two is no problem, but there must be more, seal the steak.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Come down and mix a kilo of flour with an egg, a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of flour.

14. Slowly add water and make the dough as hard as possible.

15. It's been 30 minutes.

16. Keep rubbing it, rubbing it until it's very light, and then rubbing it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

Steps 17 to 20

17. The whole process

18. The whole process

19. The whole process

20. The whole process

Steps 21 to 24

21. The whole process

22. It's so thin you can see your hands.

23. Cut the surface thinly, cut it well for backup.

24. This is a good noodle, whether the noodles are good or bad depends on the quality of the noodles, you have to make them thin, soft and shiny.

Steps 25 to 28

25. Preparation of ingredient dumplings: carrot-shaped thin slices or thin slices

26. Her hair is yellow and her ears are black.

27. Tofu chopping (it's better to use fried tofu, it won't stick to the pan when fried)

28. The eggs are peeled.

Steps 29 to 32

29. A diamond-shaped block of eggshell.

30. It's the end of the line.

31. Add a little oil to the pan, then add carrots, tofu, and blackberries until ripe with a little salt and chicken.

32. Name the backup.

Steps 33 to 36

33. Add a small spoonful of ginger and cinnamon powder to the hot cooking oil.

34. Add a moderate amount of ginger vinegar, depending on the amount of vinegar and your own taste, but authentic ginger must start with the word "sour".

35. Put it in boiling water and boil it.

36. Add a moderate amount of salt and baking soda.

Steps 37 to 40

37. You can cook it with fried meatballs.

38. Cooked dough

39. You can't have too much noodles, you just have to eat a bite of noodles, don't drink soup, soup is a bit like a hot pot dip.

40. Add the boiled chicken soup.

41. Finally, add a little bit of eggshell and parsley (the best is garlic seeds, there are no garlic seeds in summer).

Handy cooking tips

  One key tip for making meatballs: You can have more meatballs, but you can't have less meatballs, and you can't have less meatballs.(Fat and thin 7:3 but not too fat I didn't make that fat) 2 chicken meat to cut thin, not too big, not easy to cookYou must add the vinegar first, and then the pepper paste, otherwise the pepper paste won't smell, and the vinegar won't smell.The amount of salt is larger, which makes it easier to preserve, and the salt can also be placed last.It doesn't matter.Remember to turn off the fire and add the chili peppers.In short, you can't call it pepper paste.It's okay to make a little more meat, put it in a freezer box and keep it in the fridge for a few months.The characteristic of meatballs is that they have a sour and spicy flavor, so the amount of pepper and vinegar must be mastered.If you can make dough at home, make dough, if you can't, buy leek leaf dough.It's nice to have a face that's in proportion to the size of me.In addition to the five colors that are essential, you can also add potatoes, soybeans, golden needles, etc., but also to cut.There's also a simple way to cook the dish directly with water and vinegar without using a saucepan, but I still think it tastes better.2 Here let's talk about the choice of vinegar: Gifu Mountain vinegar is characterized by dry acid, not very fragrant cooking mixed dishes is not very suitable, but it is good under the premise of taking care of the acid word in the noodle dough Shanxi Chen vinegar is characterized by a slightly less acidic flavor and can also be used as a substitute for cinnamon.But the characteristic sweetness of Zhejiang rice vinegar is not suitable.