
2023-10-26 12:48:15CHINESE FOOD


  There's a little heart that's very popular in Cantonese morning and evening tea, and that's the sandbag, the sandbag, the sandbag, the sandbag, the sandbag, the sandbag.Today I'm learning how to make this snack, it's not too complicated, you can make it at home.



300 grams of flour
A carrot
Yeast flour in moderation
White sugar in moderation
50 grams of white sugar
Appropriate amount of filling (simple method)
4 pieces of cooked egg yolk
50 grams of corn oil (preferably butter)
Proper amount of milk (e.g. a lot of milk powder) Proper amount
A little carrot juice in moderation

How TO MADE Sandbags

Steps 1 to 4

1. Raw materials map;

2. Carrot juice, soaked in a bowl of boiling water to a temperature of about 30 degrees;

3. Neutralize the yeast in carrot juice and warm water separately (the amount of yeast will cover the surface of the water);

4. Divide the flour into two parts, add the aforementioned yeast water, and make a two-tone smooth dough;

Steps 5 to 8

5. Cover with a preservative film or wet cloth and put in a warm place to ferment to 1.5-2 times;

6. When the dough is fermented, the sand filling is processed: the cooked egg yolk is pressed into the clay with a knife or a dough stick;

7. Put the egg yolk in a bowl and add a little corn oil, a little white sugar, a little milk and a little carrot juice (just a little bit, for flavor);

8. Mix them evenly into a sandwich filling, and the finished filling can be refrigerated for an hour or two in the refrigerator, so that it is easy to wrap, (if the mixture is too thin, it can be properly powdered);

Steps 9 to 12

9. The fermented dough is thoroughly rubbed off the bubbles.

10. The two colors of the dough are separated into thin slices (white slices);

11. Carrot slices

12. Overlapping the two colors

Steps 13 to 16

13. Rolled into cylinders;

14. Cut off both ends and then divide them into 10 squares;

15. Take a pencil and press it flat;

16. Wrap in the filling (it is not advisable to put too much filling, otherwise it is easy to leak the filling), and the mouth is turned down into a two-color bag of embryos;

Steps 17 to 20

17. Embryo of the sandbag

18. The bag is wrapped in a wet cloth, placed in a steaming cage, and left for 20 minutes;

19. After boiling the water, the fire is steamed for 10 minutes, extinguished for 3 minutes and then uncovered.


Handy cooking tips

  The key to 1 litre sandbag is the adjustment of the filling, it is best to use butter and milk powder, so that it can be adjusted to dry and wet, it is easy to wrap more filling without leaking, I do not have the convenience of buying butter, and no milk powder, I have to replace it with corn oil and a little milk, the filling of the bag can not be too much, too much will leak out.2 If corn oil is used, it is better to add a little, stir slowly, so as not to be too thin, or too thin, you can add some raw flour to adjust the mixture.3 tablespoons of milk and a little bit of carrot juice, mainly for flavoring, but more if you use milk powder.