The cold side

At the end of the summer, the cold noodles began to flourish again... The cold noodles, popularly known as the Jinan noodles, are the traditional summer noodles of the old Jinan.In the past, the people of Jinan used to eat thin and wide water surfaces, due to the conditions of the thick spring water, the common people preferred to hit the spring water or use the well water to cross the surface, the spring water was poured three times, the noodles were cold, the cool face of the water was mixed with garlic paste, vi...


Distilled water

I wanted to call it crystal distillation, but look at my work, because it's not very good, the skin is too thick, it's a little far from crystal, it's just called distillation.It sells poorly, but it tastes good.Carrots are called red carrots, and some people refer to them as red carrots.It contains high levels of vitamins B, C, and carotenoids.Carotene is a source of vitamin A, which is formed by hydrolysis and is an indispensable vitamin in the human body, which promotes growth and development, maintains normal v...


Love the egg rolls

A beautiful egg roll is made, the heart is happy, the egg yolk is rolled when it doesn't coagulate, otherwise everything will fall apart.Every hundred grams of eggs contains 12.8 grams of protein, mainly egg white and egg globule protein, which contains eight amino acids essential to the human body, and is very similar in composition to human protein, the human body can absorb up to 98% of egg protein.Each hundred grams of egg contains 11-15 grams of fat, mainly concentrated in the egg yolk, which is also very easi...


Peanut butter and jelly

The last time I did it, it took me two hours in the middle of winter, but this time it took me half an hour, which is very convenient.I still like purple potatoes, this time I did a little innovation according to the request of the little guy, not to mention, even I ate two more myself, especially with the addition of dried peanut butter, it tastes very special, special! ...


Onion rolls

Onion rolls are one of the most common pasta dishes, and are very popular.For example, my mother, who is not interested in peanut butter, prefers this onion roll.I didn't like to eat it before, but I had to taste it myself.The light spices, combined with the salty scent of onion salt, are really good!...


Onion and egg noodles

Materials: eggs and onions
The noodles.
Put the eggs in a bowl and add the right amount of wine.
The eggs ar...


Cream of wheat

I've never understood how the supermarket's frozen milk is made, and at home, whether it's milk powder, milk, or condensed milk, it doesn't have that smell and delicate flavor!Today I have some cream left at home, the weather is hot, I don't want to make bread, I want to make some noodles, the noodles with cream still smell a little milky, and they are more delicate than not!...


Leek egg triangle.

Prepared eggs, cucumbers, and cucumber skin.
Chopped onions, eggs in a bowl.
It's made of eggs.
Boil the oil...


Black wheat pork sandwiches

Added rye, cornstarch, pork chops, and healthy pork chops. ...


Shih Tzu's head

As soon as the weather gets hot, people don't want to cook, I've seen everyone's fried noodles in the past, they look delicious, I haven't eaten fried noodles yet.I've been doing a lot of cooking, so I've tried it with some fresh vegetables.The outside of the pot's head is crisp and soft, completely devoid of the sense of disgust of the rest of the head. Vegetables of various colors are cut into pieces and the head is combined, the colors are bright and beautiful, and can arouse appetite.Summer came to eat less mea...


The Emerald Tree

I haven't done that in a long time.Because I bought some really good red beans, I couldn't help but make bean sandwiches, and then I thought that now that I have bean sandwiches, I should make a few bean sandwiches, and then my son ran after me with the recipe: Mom, let's make cucumber! (He now takes what he wants to make, so that more and more of our playgrounds are arranged in the kitchen) This little cucumber sandwich is simple, brightly colored, cute in shape, and is liked by many children, if you want your chi...


French fries

It's simple, it tastes good, and it's worth a try....
